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Clauses Vs. Phrases.

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Presentation on theme: "Clauses Vs. Phrases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clauses Vs. Phrases

2 What is a clause? A clause is a group of words that contain BOTH a subject AND a verb. There are two main types of clauses, an independent clause, and a dependent clause.

3 Independent Clauses Independent clauses contain a subject AND a verb AND contain a complete thought. Example: Jimmy ran.

4 Dependent Clauses Dependent clauses contain BOTH a subject and a verb BUT NOT A COMPLETE THOUGHT. They are introduced with a subordinating conjunction such as: because, although, since, if, etc. Example: Because Jimmy ran.

5 Types of Dependent Clauses
Noun Adjective Adverb

6 Noun Clauses These clauses act like a noun.
They are introduced with: what, where, why, how, where, when, who whom, which, whose, whether, that, if. Examples: He knows that his business will be successful. That there is a hole in the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere is well known.

7 Adjective Clauses These clauses act like adjectives.
They are introduced by: who, whom, which, whose, that, where, when. Examples: Men who are not married are called bachelors. Last year we traveled to San Francisco, which is famous for its architecture.

8 Adverbial Clauses These clauses act like adverbs.
There several types of adverbial clauses; they can describe time, place, cause, result, purpose, condition, or they can be a concession.

9 Adverbial (time) Subordinators: when, before, after, until, since, as soon as Example: When he won the money, he decided to buy a car.

10 Adverbial (place) Subordinators: where, wherever
Example: She drove wherever she wanted.

11 Adverbial (cause) Subordinators: because, as, since
Example: She got a parking ticket because she parked illegally.

12 Adverbial (result) Subordinators: so ... that, such ... that
Example: He drove so fast that he got a speeding ticket.

13 Adverbial (purpose) Subordinators: so that, in order that
Example: He drove fast so that he could get to work on time.

14 Adverbial (condition)
Subordinators: if, unless Example: If she hadn’t won the lottery, she would have been very unhappy.

15 Adverbial (concession)
Subordinators: although, even though Example: Although she thought she was a good driver, she got a lot of tickets for speeding

16 What is a phrase? A phrase is a group of words that DOES NOT contain BOTH a subject and a verb.

17 Types of Phrases Noun Phrases Participial Absolute Prepositional
Appositives Gerunds Infinitive Participial Absolute Prepositional

18 Noun Phrases Noun phrases contain a noun and all of its modifiers.
There are three types of noun phrases: Appositives Gerunds Infinitive

19 Appositives Appositives rename or describes another noun. Example:
One of eleven brothers and sisters, Harriet was a moody and willful child. Bob, my best friend, works here. The boy looked at them, big black ugly insects.

20 Gerund Phrases Gerund phrases are noun phrases with a gerund (-ing). It functions as a noun or adjective Example: Juggling knives is not recommended as a relaxation technique. (subj) I’m going for a long walk off a short pier. (sentence’s object)

21 Infinitive Phrases Infinitive phrases use the infinitive form (to ____) and a verb as a basis of a modification of a root sentence. Example: He plans to see the movie. (sent. Obj) I went to the store to buy some ice cream.(adverb modifying the verb went) Infinitive phrases can also be used as adverbial or adjectival phrase.

22 Participial Phrases Participial phrases have a participle (a verb based word acting as an adjective; cascading water, broken table, etc.)End in ing or ed. Example: Crushed to pieces by a sledgehammer, the computer no longer worked. He saw her working at the restaurant.

23 Absolute Phrases Absolute phrases are ALMOST complete sentences. They contain a subject, but are missing a verb. Example: My cake finally baking in the oven, I was free to rest for thirty minutes. She returned to her bench, her face showing all the unhappiness that had suddenly overtaken her. -An American Tragedy

24 Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases are phrases that contain a preposition at the beginning. Example: She sat around the house. In the dark room, she felt all her old fears return.

25 Your Turn! Are these clauses or phrases? A boy and his dog.
Went to the store. I had a soda. The brown fox. The brown fox and quick dog. The boy laughed. Someone stole my purse. Stole my purse.

26 More!! When I go to the store. Suzie plays with her dog everyday.
Jonathan runs three miles a day. Although I can’t see him. After I go to the doctor. Since I got an A on the test. How do I get to the store? With he dog. To the store.

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