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Large intestine.

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Presentation on theme: "Large intestine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large intestine

2 Large intestine From the ileum to the anus Parts? Functions?

3 Cecum Below the level of junction of the ileum with the intestine
Blind ended pouch Right iliac fossa 2.5 cm long, covered with peritoneum





8 Blood supply Anterior and posterior cecal arteries superior mesenteric artery Veins superior mesenteric vein

9 Lymph drainage and nerve supply
Mesenteric nodes superior mesenteric nodes Superior mesenteric plexus

10 Appendix Narrow muscular tube Large amount of lymphoid tissue
3-5 cm I n length Base is attached to the cecum Right iliac fossa McBuney’s point

11 Common positions of the tip of the appendix
Hanging down into the pelvis Coiled up behind the cecum Projecting upward along the lateral side of the cecum Infront of or behind the terminal part of ileum



14 Supply Appendicular artery posterior cecal artery
Appendicular vein posterior cecal vein Superior mesenteric nodes Superior mesenteric plexus

15 Ascending Colon 5in. Long Right lower quadrant
From cecum to right colic flexure Peritoneum covers the front and sides

16 Supply Ileocolic and right colic arteries
Ileocolic and right colic veins Superior mesenteric nodes Superior mesenteric plexus

17 Tansverse colon 15 in. long Umbilical region
Right colic flexure to left colic flexure Phrenicocolic ligament Transverse mesocolon or mesentery




21 Supply Middle colic artery and left colic artery
Middle colic vein and left colic vein Colic nodes Superior mesenteric plexus Inferior mesenteric plexus

22 Descending colon 10 in. long Left upper and lower quadrants
Left colic flexure to sigmoid colon Peritoneum

23 supply Left colic and sigmoid arteries Left colic and sigmoid veins
Colic and inferior mesenteric nodes Inferior mesenteric plexus


25 liver Largest gland Functions Production of bile Metabolic activities
Filtration of blood Soft and pliable Upper part of abdomen Beneath the diaphragm Upper surface Lower surface

26 lobes Right lobe Left lobe Filiform ligament Quadrate lobe
Caudate lobe


28 Porta hepatis Hepatic duct Hepatic artery Portal vein Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers Lymph nodes

29 Liver lobules Portal canal Hepatic artery Portal vein Bile duct Portal rtiad


31 supply Hepatic artery Hepatic veins Celiac nodes Celiac plexus
Anterior vagal trunk

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