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Maurice de Vlaminck secondary school

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Presentation on theme: "Maurice de Vlaminck secondary school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maurice de Vlaminck secondary school
By Victoria Roudot

2 Summary Buildings Staff Teachers Classrooms Musicroom Gymnasium
Canteen Library A day of a student Computer room

3 Outside Pictures

4 Administration, accueil ( lobby), bureaux ( desks), infirmerie ( nursery).

5 Teachers Mrs Senechal : english, room 205
Mrs Blanvillain : english, room 307 Mrs Jurczik : german, room 209 Mrs Marchais : spanish, room Mrs Jalbert : latin, room 305 Mrs Blanchard : french, room 204 Mr Lorin : french, room 203 Mr Bigot : french 205 Mr Lebrun : math, room 207 Mrs Leger : math, room 208 Mrs Hamon : Math, room 206 Mrs Nuissier : i.t., room 308 Mr Barbera : art, room 302 Mrs Moulin : p.e., room EPS 2 Mr Simonin : p.e., room EPS 3 Mr Ollivier : biology, room 304 Mr Bernon : physic 303 Mr Fanthou : history, geography 201 Mrs Gilloir : history, geography 202 Mr Bitschene : music, room 301 Mrs Ansel : lybrariane, room

6 Students life at school.
In the Highschool (college), there are approximately more than 300 pupils. They begin their school day at 8 am, and they leave at 5 pm. Almost all the students have their lunch at school. Almost all of them come to school by bus. At 1 pm, they can go to different clubs for example, comenius.

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