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VISUAL BASIC .NET Chapter 3 Assignment Sheet

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1 VISUAL BASIC .NET Chapter 3 Assignment Sheet
Here is a list of your assignments for Chapter 3. Be sure to complete the assignments in order and only print when indicated! I’ll grade the majority of your programs from your network space! You need to make sure that each project is saved in your personal account. We’ll save a few trees this way!  Guided Programming and Debugging Activities Complete Chapter 3 Main Project – “State Tax Computation” – pages 3.09–3.72 _____ Instructor will grade program from your network space Complete the Debugging Assignment on page 3.80 – “Modifying the Athas Construction Project” _____ Print screen shot of final run _____ Print screen shot of modified code Programming Problems Complete Problem 2 – Employee Payroll Calculation -- (pages ) Complete Problem 3 – Currency Converter – (pages ) Complete Problem 6 – Sales Tax Computation – (page 3.85) _____ Create a flowchart and a storyboard for this application Theory Review. (Note: Online assignments can be found at vbnet/.) Once there click on the “Learn It Online” link. Written Work: Pages Answer the “Label the Figure” (Questions 1-4) and the Short Answer Questions (#3 & #’s 5-9). Type and print these in Word. _____ Print out answers to all questions Online Practice Test – Take test until you get >= 80% _____ Print out test results EXTRA CREDIT AVAILABLE for completion of the Online Crossword Puzzle!

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