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STL – Standard Template Library

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1 STL – Standard Template Library
Guaranteed to be available on all compilers implement the Standard Template library All components are templates, can be used for arbitrary element types.

2 STL Entities Entities: Container classes Sequence containers
Associative ordered containers Iterators Generic algorithms Function objects (functors) Other (not covered here) Allocators Adaptors

3 Old Structure Queue Stack algorithm List algorithm hash algorithm

4 New Structure with STL Algorithm Iterator Container Queue List Stack
hash Container Algorithm Iterator The iterator is a bridge between Container and Algorithm

5 Concepts A concept is a set of abstractions
Defined by a set of requirements Example: a container concept {vector<T>, list<T>, set<K>, map<K,T>, … } generic algorithms : algorithms that work correctly and efficiently for every abstraction in a concept Definition: Container refines Basic-container; uses Input-iterator; introduces begin(containers) -> iterators, end(containers) -> iterators, size(containers) -> naturals, empty(containers) -> bool; requires (for c: containers) size(c) = size(range(c, begin(c), end(c))), empty(c) = (size(c) = 0), valid(range(c, begin(c), end(c))).

6 Container A template, parameterized on element type
Represents a group of homogeneous objects Two main types: Sequence containers : vector, deque, list Associative containers: set, multiset, map, Multimap All containers support: bool empty() const; iterator begin() const; iterator end() const; int size() const; Containers are characterized by complexity metrics # of operations for insertion, deletion # of operations for lookup

7 Iterator Points to one node in a list
Advances to next node Compares with other iterators Special value denotes “one past end” Make heavily use of operator overloading. Iterator hierarchy

8 Iterator Example #include <list> // list class library
using namespace std; void squareList(list<int>& nums) { list<int>::iterator it; for(it=nums.begin(); it != nums.end(); it++) *it = *it * *it; // Modify each element. }

9 Sequence Containers vector<T> deque<T> list<T>:
Random access, variable size, constant insertion time. Description: deque<T> Random access, variable size Description: list<T>: Bidirectional access, access time O(n), constant insertion time Description:

10 Simple Example - list #include <iostream> #include <list>
using namespace std; int main(){ list<int> myContainer; list<int>::iterator it; myContainer.push_front(10); myContainer.push_front(20); myContainer.push_back(30); myContainer.push_back(40); for(it=myContainer.begin(); it!=myContainer.end(); it++) cout << *it << endl; myContainer.remove(30); // requires operator== myContainer.find(20); return 0; {

11 Associative containers
Containers based on keys set<key> keys and data are the same, unique keys Description: multiset<key> keys and data are the same, non-unique keys Description: map<key,T> keys and data are paired, unique keys Description: multimap<key,T>: keys and data are pared, non-unique keys Description:

12 Example - Map We will define a map of class Person class Person {
string m_sName; int m_iAge; public: typedef unsigned key; Person (const string sName, const int iAge): m_sName (sName), m_iAge (iAge) {}; Person () : m_iAge (0) {}; Person (const Person & p): m_sName (p.m_sName), m_iAge (p.m_iAge) {}; Person & operator= (const Person & rhs) {…} GetName () const { return m_sName; }; int GetAge () const { return m_iAge; }; };

13 Map class People } public: map<Person::key, Person> m_mapPerson;
typedef pair<Person::key,Person> PersonPair; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream & s, const People & o){ map<Person::key,Person>::const_iterator it; for(it=o.m_mapPerson.begin();it!=o.m_mapPerson.end(); it++) s << (*it).first << ":" << (*it).second << endl; return s; void insert(Person::key k, Person p){ m_mapPerson[k] = p; };

14 functors Motivation: Sometimes it is useful to pass functions as parameters Usually results in messy/confusing code Functions can’t hold a meaningful state STL’s solution: function objects (functors) bool lessAbsoluteValue(float a, float b) { return abs(a) < abs(b); } bool (*mycomparison)(float, float); mycomparison = &lessAbsoluteValue; void sort(bool(*cmpfunc)(float, float), std::vector<float>);

15 functors Classes that implements the function call operator (operator()) Use example: sort(x.begin(), x.end(), lessAbsoluteValue()); class lessAbsoluteValue { public: bool operator()(float a, float b) const { return abs(a) < abs(b); } };

16 Applying functors to a range
struct add { add( int n) : m_n( n) {} void operator()( int & value) { value += m_n; } private: int m_n; }; int main() { int a[] = { 335, 33, 98, 39, 54, 24, 3 }; int nElements = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[ 0]); std::for_each( a, a + nElements, add( 10)); }

17 functor adaptors wrapper functors that call member functions
mem_fun: works on member functions through a pointer mem_fun_ref: works on member functions through an object or a reference ptr_fun: works on global functions through a function pointer vector<SceneNode*> nodes; sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), mem_fun(&SceneNode::renderFirst));

18 Algorithms STL defines many different algorithms
Templated function of common operations on containers Four categories of algorithms: Non-mutating algorithms Mutating algorithms Sorting algorithms Generalized numerical algorithms

19 Non-mutating algorithms
find – looks for a specific item in a sequence for_each – applies a functor to a range of elements in a sequence list<string> players; if (find(players.begin(), players.end(), wantedName) != players.end()) { …} template<class T> struct print { print(ostream& out) : os(out), count(0) {} void operator() (T x) { os << x << ' '; ++count; } ostream& os; int count; }; int A[] = {1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7}; const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(int); print<int> P = for_each(A, A + N, print<int>(cout));

20 Mutating Algorithms copy - Copies all elements in a specified range to another range reverse(first, last) – Reverse the elements in the sequence rotate(first, middle, last) – Shifts elements until middle element is at the first position random_shuffle - Shuffles all elements in the range // Copy the first 10 scores to the highscore table list<int> highcores; copy(scores.begin(), scores.begin()+10, highscores.begin());

21 Sorting algorithms sort
Sorts all the elements in a range (based on quicksort) Uses operator< or a functor passed as an argument class Player { public: bool operator<(const Player& p) { return this->score_ < p.score_; } vector<Player> players; sort(players.begin(), players.end());

22 Generalized numerical algorithms
accumulate(first, last, init) Sums of all elements in a range, starting with initial value partial_sum(first, last, output) Sequence of numbers created by adding all the elements up to the nth element for each of the output elements adjacent_difference(first, last, output) Sequence of differences between adjacent pairs inner_product Calculates dot product for two different ranges

23 Algorithm+Container+Functor
#include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CStringCompare { public: bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0; } }; int main() { vector<string> cartoons; cartoons. push_back(“Mickey”); cartoons. push_back(“Minnie”); cartoons. push_back(“Goofy”); sort(cartoons.begin(), cartoons.end(), StringCompare()); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArgs; ++i) cout << args[i] << endl; return 0; } Output: Goofey Mickey Minnie

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