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Knowledge Economy Forum V Prague 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Economy Forum V Prague 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Economy Forum V Prague 2006
Jiří Havel Vice Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

2 Plan Introduction Czech Experience: Closing
Necessary conditions for development Knowledge oriented measures Achievements Measures to Proceed (what we have learned) Closing

3 The need for knowledge-based economy
Introduction The need for knowledge-based economy Innovative investment Labour force with high qualification Mobile Adaptable Language skills From centrally planned to KE - transition World Bank assistance – KEF

4 Several necessary measures - preconditions
Czech Experience Several necessary measures - preconditions Assuring stability Improving the legal framework Promote ICT Developing HE infrastructure Knowledge oriented measures Attract knowledge when missing Expanding and absorbing knowledge when attracted - Cluster, Platform Create knowledge as needed

5 Czech Experience - Necessary Measures (1/2)
Assure stability of investment climate Liberalisation Better regulation Stable prices Fiscal discipline

6 Achievements: Still needed:
Czech Experience - Necessary Measures (2/2) Achievements: Improved legal framework and administration Recodification of bankruptcy law Single contact place for entrepreneurs Increasing number of internet users Decreasing prices of home internet access Still needed: Further decrease the burden on business Regulation Impact Assessment Business impact assessment Extend the PC and internet availability for schools

7 Czech Experience - Attract Knowledge (1/_3)
Attracting knowledge Investment incentives Clustering R&D expenditures with 100 % dep. rate FDI inflow per capita, period (USD, source: CzechInvest)

8 Czech Experience - Attract Knowledge (2/3)
Appreciated currency But positive Trade balance Higher added value production Continuous growth Positive effect of the past investment

9 Still needed: Czech Experience - Attract Knowledge (3/3)
Investment incentives Subsidies in line with the additionality principle - promote investment activities Subsidies for job creation - problematic European style labour market Incentive for production with lower added value (labour intensive) More labour - lower reward - slower innovation Keep a slower track for Incumbents support high-tech production/services enterprises in innovations, R&D expenditures with 100 % dep. rate Support dynamic Startups Venture Capital, Mini-grants, Matching Grants

10 Czech Experience - Expand and Absorb Knowledge
Expanding and Absorbing knowledge Assure access to and the protection of IPR Support the formation of Clusters the service for Incumbents the learning of potential Startups Support the communication from consumer to researcher and vice versa support technological Platforms create a “knowledge market-place” information exchange and feedback

11 Achievements: Czech Experience - Create Knowledge
Promoting Higher education students increase in tertiary education since 2000 Reform of university financing Increased funding by 50 % in the last 4 years (from 18 to 27 bln CZK) The public expenditures for science increased by 46 % since 2002 (12,5 to 18,2 bln CZK) R&D evaluation emphasises scientific excellence and practical results BIC Plzen (18 companies, e.g. Panasonic SW, 77 employees, 1925 m²) VUT Brno – Technological incubator (15 companies e.g. YSoft, 90 employees, 521 m²)

12 Still needed: Czech Experience - Create Knowledge
Promoting Higher education Project oriented funding Increase the number of the general secondary school students (35 % of all secondary level students in 2010) More technical studies, keep the studies of arts Mobility of students, researchers Make the students mobile (study visit abroad programme) Get the brains back (motivation for return from abroad) Take care of them (support of projects after the return) more young scientists the programmes of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic

13 Still needed: Czech Experience - Create Knowledge
Gradual increase of R&D expenditures to reach 3% of GDP in 2010 (1/3 from public sources) – when demand for knowledge is enough stimulated More finance to collaborative research (subsidies, tax incentives) Use EU structural funds (Business incubators, Transfer technology centers) – 12 bln CZK

14 This event was inspected by
Closing This event was inspected by R&D Council of the Czech government Government Council for Human Resources Development Follow-up conferences: How to proceed in the R&D financing? Seminar in Michnov Palace, Prague on March 31st 2006, and 2nd International Conference: Knowledge-Based Economy, National Forum on Knowledge-Based Economy, organised by The Institute for Finance and Administration on May 23rd 2006 and is held under my auspices.

15 Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you soon in Prague again.
The end of presentation Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you soon in Prague again.

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