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Lesson 2: Carrying out a census in a developing country

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1 Lesson 2: Carrying out a census in a developing country
Learning intentions: We are learning about how governments collect population data. Success criteria: I can give reasons why carrying out a census is difficult. I provide named examples when answering exam questions.

2 Starter The population of Nigeria is 183.5 million.
2.46% of the world’s total population lives there. Watch the video to find out what Nigerian’s think the reason behind the huge population is. Nigeria - Most populous country in Africa 3.16mins

3 Carrying out a census It can be difficult to carry out a census in developing countries. In pairs, come up with 2 reasons why it would be difficult to carry out a census. Try to give an example of a country. 1. 2. 3.

4 Why it is difficult Cost – Too expensive e.g. Ethiopia
Size of population – Inaccuracies e.g. China Inaccessibility – too difficult to get to settlements e.g. Amazon rainforest Languages – Difficult to translate e.g. India War – too dangerous e.g. Iraq Why it is difficult Suspicion – Don’t tell the truth e.g. China Illiteracy – Can’t fill in form e.g. Afghanistan

5 Task Using page 5-6 Giving named examples, explain why carrying out censuses may be difficult and the results less reliable in Developing countries than in Developed countries such as the UK. (6) “There are many reasons why carrying out censuses may be difficult and the results less reliable in Developing countries than in Developed countries. Firstly...”

6 Peer Assessment You should mark your shoulder partners answer using the marking scheme on the next slide Only award a mark for a DEVELOPED point (3 pieces of info/2 pieces and an example) You should give your partner a RED BOX You need to add 2 points for full marks

7 Perfect Answer Many countries have people who speak many different languages. For example, India has 57 official languages. This means the census forms need to be translated and enumerators need to be hired to translate. In many countries e.g. Kenya literacy rates are low therefore people are not able to complete the form or may unintentionally make mistakes leading to incorrect information being gathered. The sheer size of some countries populations make it very difficult to conduct a census e.g. China has 1.2 billion people. It is difficult to ensure the census is delivered and completed by everyone. Some areas of the world are very difficult to get to due to poor infrastructure and difficult terrain e.g. the Amazon rainforest. This makes it difficult for enumerators to distribute the census forms. Countries such as Syria who are experiencing wars and political upset will find it difficult to complete a census as large numbers of people are displaced and high death rates mean the information is quickly outdated. Carrying out a census is very expensive and some developing countries simply cannot afford it. They need to spend their money on priority areas such as housing and healthcare e.g. Nigeria. or any other valid point

8 Success criteria I can read a case study and extract relevant information. I can give reasons why carrying out a census is difficult. I can provide named examples when answering exam questions.

9 Plenary A census is very costly to carry out.
Do you think Nigeria should carry out its next census or spend the money improving infrastructure?

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