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CSUN - Professor for a Day

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1 CSUN - Professor for a Day
October 11, 2017 William Blake, Southwest Executive The Truth About Insurance

2 A little bit about me I was tricked into joining the insurance industry I have worked for The Hartford, General Reinsurance Corp (now a Berkshire company) and Zurich. I have lived in NYC, SF, LA and Chicago I have, at times, wondered if I made the right choice. I have had way more fun than I thought, traveled to (mostly) terrific places and have done things I never thought I would do I have had 14 or 15 different jobs – mostly up, but some lateral. I have made some life long friends – some co-workers, some brokers & some customers I won $10 from Tim Noonan, once, playing golf.

3 Complex and Changing Industry
Facing the industry Emerging Risks Globalization Pace of Change Data Availability & Quality Climate Change Creating opportunities for people Dynamics above are changing & creating roles (Data Scientists, Cyber Underwriters, etc) Shrinking labor pool & aging workforce

4 What jobs exist in the Insurance Industry?
Insurance Company Underwriting Claims Risk Engineering Premium Audit Data Science/Actuarial Real Estate Management Legal Management/Operations Finance Investment Accounting IT Marketing HR Brokerage Producer Account Executive Risk Engineering Claims Data Science/Actuarial Real Estate Management Legal Management/Operations Finance Investment Accounting IT Marketing HR

5 What pays off regardless of the industry/career you choose?
Advice What pays off regardless of the industry/career you choose? Pick a company that suits your personality & your skill set. Look for the Culture of the company (or the division you would be working in). Who you work with/for may be more important than the company that you work for. Find a work life balance that suits you, but remember that work is important. Self awareness is key to success Ask for & listen to feedback (from qualified people) and adjust. Getting paid is important BUT don’t take a job just to get paid.

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