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Strategy and Performance

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1 Strategy and Performance
Chapter 2

2 Learning Objectives The value of both financial and non- financial performance dimensions. Relationship between financial performance and competitive advantage. Use financial analysis to examine strategy. Economic logic of industries and companies. Interaction between strategy formulation and financial analysis.

3 The Goal of Strategy "Superior performance" or
"Substantial positive return" or "Above average profitability" or "Above average return on equity"

4 Key Strategy Performance Dimensions
Summary performance – the whole firm Relative to competition Over the long run

5 Emerging Performance Considerations
Stockholders versus stakeholders Value creation can take many forms: economic, social, cultural, knowledge, etc. Triple Bottom Line Economic Social Ecological or environmental

6 Whole Foods 2013-15 Stockholder performance Stakeholder performance
Company Industry ROE 14.5% 13.4 % Revenue % % Stakeholder performance Creates larger market for organics farmers Wider shopping choices for consumers Seminars on nutrition and healthy eating GMO transparency

7 Stakeholder Performance

8 Financial Performance
Customary measures Return on equity (ROE) Revenue growth Common stock returns (dividends + stock price gains) Market capitalization

9 Calculating ROE – "Dupont Analysis"

10 Detailed Financial Analysis
Current financial statements Reveals patterns of investments and strategic behaviors Common-sized statements facilitate comparison of different size competitors Trend analysis – statements over years Changing levels of investments Changing expenses and margins

11 Strategy and Financial Statements
Strategic plan and direction Inter-related sets of activities Decisions on resource allocations Patterns of asset allocations

12 Economic Logic "Recipe" for a type of company "Recipe" for an industry
Club store: "Pile it high, mark it down." Luxury retailer: "Merchandise beautifully, pamper the customer." "Recipe" for an industry Game consoles: "Installed base" Banks: "Net interest margin"

13 Common Industry Operating Metrics
Retailing "Same store sales change vs. last year" Airline "RPM" – revenue passenger miles "Load factor" – percentage of seats filled Cable TV Net subscriber additions "Churn" – % subscribers dropping quickly

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