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CHFND Coalition Coordinator Women in Leadership Development

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1 CHFND Coalition Coordinator Women in Leadership Development
Karen K. Ehrens, RD, LRD CHFND Coalition Coordinator Women in Leadership Development September 14, 2017

2 Congratulations, Cara!!! North Dakota is so proud of you!
Photo credit: USA Today

3 September = Goals Structure and Sustainability Advocacy
maintain a coalition of a statewide network of organizations, groups and individuals Advocacy identify and advocate for the policy and systems changes that are necessary to meet the immediate hunger needs and address the underlying causes of hunger Education and Outreach provide and promote education and outreach opportunities Information, Data and Research identify and compile data and information and make material available Information and awareness are components of all aspects and goals of the coalition

4 Hunger free North Dakota
A statewide network of organizations, agencies and individuals established to collectively identify and address the unmet food and hunger needs and their underlying causes with the vision of a Hunger free North Dakota

5 WIC Program SNAP Program Aging Services
Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center Natural Resources Conservation Service WIC Program SNAP Program Aging Services

6 ~ 28,160 North Dakota households face food insecurity
Food Security? Food security for a household means access by all members at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at a minimum: The ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods. Assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies) Food Insecurity? Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways. “Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.”

7 What is the ‘poverty line’?
For a family of 3, earning less than $20,420/year Minimum wage is $7.50/hour. A person working a minimum-wage, full-time job would earn $15,080/year.

8 ND AAP UND Center for Family Medicine

9 Summer Meal Programs List

10 Summer Meal Programs Text “FOOD” to then Zip Code

11 It’s time harvest time!



14 Aaaa What is SNAP? Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; formerly called “Food Stamps” 54,000 North Dakotans 3 of 4 SNAP families have children 1 of 3 SNAP families have members who are elderly or disabled SNAP is run out of the USDA In North Dakota, SNAP is administered through the North Dakota Department of Human Services

15 SNAP Benefits Cannot be used to purchase beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco Can be used to purchase garden seeds Includes nutrition education classes, recipes, economics Average benefit/meal in North Dakota: $1.34

16 500 retail organizations in North Dakota are authorized to accept SNAP
$79 million to North Dakota’s economy, 2016

17 SNAP’s Long term Benefits
Reduces food insecurity and hunger Lifted at least 3.6 million people out of poverty last year Better health outcomes for children and pregnant mothers Increased likelihood that children graduate from high school

18 North Dakotans who benefit from SNAP Compiled by
Great Plains Food Bank Fifty-one-year-old Vickie Scholes is a single mother working part-time. She suffers from epilepsy, which Medicaid helps with, but struggles to make it to the end of each month. SNAP allows needed assistance. Working part-time and living in a studio apartment that was once a hotel, 26-year-old Chelsey Lang does the best that she can to support her and her young son, Emryx. A U.S. Army veteran, Willard Carpenter and his wife, Linda, rely greatly on the SNAP benefits they receive. Willard lost his right arm during a factory accident more than 45 years ago, but has not slowed down his farming operation.

19 North Dakotans who benefit from SNAP Compiled by
Great Plains Food Bank Fifty-one-year-old Vickie Scholes is a single mother working part-time. She suffers from epilepsy, which Medicaid helps with, but struggles to make it to the end of each month. SNAP allows needed assistance. Working part-time and living in a studio apartment that was once a hotel, 26-year-old Chelsey Lang does the best that she can to support her and her young son, Emryx. A U.S. Army veteran, Willard Carpenter and his wife, Linda, rely greatly on the SNAP benefits they receive. Willard lost his right arm during a factory accident more than 45 years ago, but has not slowed down his farming operation.

20 SNAP and the Budget Proposals may
Cap SNAP amounts to states, which could result in 24% decrease over 10 years ($190 billion) Shift costs to states Charge retailers to participate Limit number of adults without dependents who get benefits Lower the minimum benefit level, currently $16/month Cap eligible household members to 6 (family friendly?!)

21 SNAP and the Farm Bill Unease has existed since the 1930’s over distributing free commodities to people with low incomes FDR criticized for killing excess hogs to reduce supply Ties together growers and eaters Farm-to-table and farm-to-fuel Farmers and ranchers make up about 2% of population

22 What can I do? What can we accomplish together?!
Goals Structure and Sustainability maintain a coalition of a statewide network of organizations, groups and individuals Advocacy identify and advocate for the policy and systems changes that are necessary to meet the immediate hunger needs and address the underlying causes of hunger Education and Outreach provide and promote education and outreach opportunities Information, Data and Research identify and compile data and information and make material available Information and awareness are components of all aspects and goals of the coalition

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