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measuring the CP angle  at Babar

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1 measuring the CP angle  at Babar
Status and future of measuring the CP angle  at Babar Jeroen van Hunen (Babar plots: Max Baak , NIKHEF)

2 Some decay modes to access 
 sin(2+) hep:ex/ (fully reconstructed) and (partially rec.)   Theoretically clean, but the 2 triangles of the 6 decay amplitudes are squashed since is suppressed with respect to   Theoretical uncertainties: FSI, SU(3)-breaking corrections, etc. and others…………… CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

3 No penguin pollution, theoretically clean
The decay mode V*ud Vcd Vcb V*ub h = , , a1  Interference between the mixing and the decay Large BR, but:  Interference is tiny No penguin pollution, theoretically clean CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

4 The angle  mixing term CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

5 The decay rates 4 decay rates, for example:
Fit the 4 decay rates with the data to obtain  and thus sin(2+) , but the value of r is unknown (not enough statistics to fit it together with ). CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

6 The value for r Temporary solution:
With SU(3) symmetry relation determine r from the branching fractions for This gives: Add additional theoretical uncertainty of 30% on validity of SU(3) symmetry In future (statistical errors on measurements reduced) improvement is needed: theoretical models ~ 20% spread other options? (no solution yet) CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

7 The results for full reconstruction
CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

8 The t distribution CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

9 The Measurements The results of the Babar fit : If become smaller
value of r is problem CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

10 Interpretation : what is sin(2+)
Probabilistic interpretation: simulate (many) experiments with characteristics as data for many sin(2+) values, and count number of experiments where 2(sin(2+)- 2min is smaller then the data 68% CL : |sin(2+)|>0.69 (43<2+<137) 83% CL : |sin(2+)|>0 (at 98% CL for partial reco) sin(2+) 1  sine not very dependent on 2+ (Bd : sin(2)  0.7 , but for Bs the phase s very small (with BsDsK we measure s + ) CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

11 The Measurements Full and partial reconstruction combined (roughly same precision) If sin(2+)  0.94  continue setting lower limits If sin(2+) < 0.75 (but excluded at 60% CL)  not good for SM CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

12 The future No error on r included Thus: Current : 82fb-1
Summer : 500fb-1 Summer : 1000fb-1 Thus: Summer 2007 : err*0.4 Summer 2009 : err*0.3 68% CL |sin(2+)|>0.92 (67 <2+<113) CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

13 Some conclusions now : Full reco = at 68% CL |sin(2+)|> (43<2+<137) Partial reco = at 90% CL |sin(2+)|>0.75 in 2009 : full reco = at 68% CL |sin(2+)|>0.92 ? (67 <2+<113) (but no error on r included!) partial reco similar/better Other modes will improve the results (how much?) CERN B-Journal Club October 3, 2003

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