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MedDRA® Version Updates

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1 MedDRA® Version Updates
MedDRA® is a registered trademark of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA)

2 Course Objectives To provide an understanding of:
MedDRA versioning: timing and extent of updates Impact of MedDRA versioning in your organization Practical approaches to MedDRA versioning

3 Background of Versioning

4 MedDRA Maintenance MedDRA is a user responsive terminology
Subscribers may submit change requests 100 change requests maximum per month Twice yearly official updates 1 March X.0 release (all levels) 1 September X.1 release (LLT and PT levels only)

5 MedDRA Growth Trend Number of Implemented Changes per Release
Updated v13.0

6 Versioning Background
An issue to be addressed by all MedDRA users Changes that can occur: New terms added Terms can change position in hierarchy Primary SOC allocations can change LLT currency can change SMQ maintenance 6

7 Rationale for Version Update
Electronic submissions: Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) Suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions (SUSARs) Signal detection Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs) Periodic reviews, including PSURs Data monitoring committees

8 Rationale for Version Update (cont)
Regulatory submissions Clinical study reports Safety summary reports Marketing applications Labeling (package insert)

9 Type of Data to Update Safety reports (pharmacovigilance)
Clinical study data (adverse events, medical history) Legacy data (e.g., from prior mergers) Data from contract research organizations Synonym lists

10 Frequency of Data Update
Other versioning considerations: Global regulatory requirements Budget/resources Availability of software tools/upgrades

11 Resources for Version Updates

12 “What’s New” Document Contains detailed information on source, types of changes between versions Highlights changes related to new initiatives, SMQs Other information Term history Tables showing impact of this version on MedDRA Impact on records in MedDRA files MedDRA term counts List of modified LLT names List of LLTs with currency status change MSSO “What’s New” webinars

13 MedDRA Version Reports
Developed by MSSO to provide list of changes between latest version and previous version Detailed record-by-record report Included in the MedDRA terminology download

14 MedDRA Version Reports (cont)
Summary table New LLTs including new PTs New PTs Promoted LLTs Demoted PTs LLTs moved to different PTs LLT and PT primary SOC changes LLT and PT text changes LLT currency changes Hierarchy term changes (HLT, HLGT, SOC) SMQ changes PTs added to SMQs

15 MedDRA Version Reports (cont)
Note this is an example (from v12.0) and will not be updated with each version of this course.

16 MedDRA Version Reports (cont)
Note this is an example (from v12.0) and will not be updated with each version of this course.

17 Sequential Files ASCII files that identify changes between latest version and previous version Distributed with MedDRA release Files with “.seq” suffix

18 Points to Consider Documents
Both “MedDRA Term Selection” and “Data Retrieval and Presentation” PTC documents are updated Each document has associated “Summary of Changes” Organization coding and data analysis/retrieval conventions should be reviewed, updated as needed with each new MedDRA version

19 Timing of Version Updates

20 Goals of Version Updates
Most organizations have version update processes in place May vary among departments Goals of versioning Implement current version of MedDRA Stay current with regulatory authorities and partners Harmonize use of MedDRA to optimize communication of data

21 Timing of Version Update
MSSO “Best Practice” documents “Recommendations for MedDRA Implementation and Versioning in Clinical Trials” ( Six options involving either “freezing” a version or re-coding at various points MSSO recommends Options 5 or 6 Updated v13.0. JH Updated weblink.

22 Option 1 “Freeze” at initiation and for life of a project (all trials, reports); report with same version Supports consistency of coding and analysis within related trials For longer running projects, impact on development of label that uses a more recent version Does not take advantage of improvements with subsequent releases Requires storage of multiple MedDRA versions and maintenance of coding conventions with each version

23 Option 1 – Use a Single Version for All Trials for Life of Program

24 Options 2 - 4 Option 2 - “Freeze” at initiation of project; report with most recent version Option 3 - “Freeze” at initiation of each trial within project; report with most recent version Option 4 - Hold coding until completion of each trial Use most recent version for coding and reporting

25 Option 5 – Recommended by MSSO
“Freeze” at beginning of each trial within project Optionally re-code data with latest version at conclusion of each trial based on project-defined criteria

26 Option 5 - Recommended by MSSO (cont)
Always output data using most recent version Review collected changes against thresholds documented in project plan If there is medical benefit to re-coding, re-code to most recent version; otherwise, generate reports with most recent version of MedDRA Long running trials would be updated and better analyzed with latest version Less time difference between significant volume of trial data (Phase III) and label development Project level reports use current version

27 Option 6 - Recommended by MSSO
Ongoing re-coding of all trial data in a project to most recent version All trial data updated with each version; provides consistency for reporting Removes reconciliation issues with post-marketing data which is reported with current version of MedDRA Requires re-coding of all trials to be updated to current version of MedDRA

28 Options 6 – All Trial Program Data Updated with Each Release

29 Timing of Update (cont)
MSSO “Best Practice” documents (cont) “The MedDRA MSSO’s Recommendations for Single Case Reporting using Semi-annual Version Control” ( Recommendations MedDRA should be used for spontaneous post-market single case reports and pre-market single case reports for serious adverse events All reporting should be done using most recently released version. Version number of MedDRA release used to code report data should be included in all reports V13.0 Updated weblink

30 Timing of Update (cont)
Recommendations (cont) The decision to re-code historical data is an organizational decision The newly released version of MedDRA should become the reporting version on the first Monday of the second month after it is released. To synchronize this event over the three ICH regions, the MSSO recommends midnight GMT, Sunday to Monday, for the switchover

31 Timing of Update (cont)
Recommendation 4 applied to MedDRA Version 13.0 MedDRA Version 13.0 released 1 March 2010 First Monday in May is 3 May 2010 MedDRA Version 13.0 becomes reportable version on 3 May 2010 at 00:01 GMT v13.0 Updated dates and versions.

32 Timing of Update 1 March 2010 – MedDRA 13.0 Released Updated v13.0

33 Timing of Update (cont)
Impact limited to data that are being transmitted Internal data (i.e., some clinical trial data) could follow a different schedule EMA and MHLW will accept current version plus previous version for ICSRs and SUSARs FDA has no version requirement Follows MSSO recommendation for versioning Will re-code if a submitted PT not recognized 13.0 Updated EMEA to EMA

34 Timing of Update (cont)
Typically, individual National Competent Authorities support one version of MedDRA One EU regulatory agency implemented the recommendation as follows: “Electronic reports submitted prior to 7 May 2007 using version 10.0 will be rejected by the [Agency].”

35 60 Day Implementation Period
Issues with Timing Currently, organizations are implementing on different dates On release date During implementation period At end of implementation period 13.0. Updated to May 3 May 3 March 1 1 2 3 60 Day Implementation Period

36 Issues with Timing (cont)
Differences in implementation date negatively impact communication of ICSRs EMA issued letter supporting original MSSO recommendation MSSO is working with regulatory authorities to coordinate implementation for all MedDRA users MSSO recommendation is to transition on transition date Not by transition date 13.0. Changed EMEA to EMA

37 Extent of Version Updates

38 Extent of Update What does it mean to implement latest version of MedDRA? Since coding terms in MedDRA (LLTs) are not deleted, an organization could simply apply latest version with no data changes What does your organization do? Data coded to LLTs that become non-current Data that have direct matches to new terms Medically “better” terms available in new version

39 Extent of Update (cont)
Many approaches to versioning by industry and regulators No real regulatory mandate MSSO has drafted a versioning “Best Practice” document

40 Versioning “Best Practice” (cont)
Implementation levels

41 Version Change – LLT Non-Current
Automated approach Example: Verbatim Term Previous Version LLT Version Change New Version LLT (Re-coded) Swelling (extensive) of arm that was vaccinated Extensive limb swelling LLT Extensive limb swelling became non-current in new version Extensive swelling of vaccinated limb

42 Version Change – New LLTs Direct/Lexical Match
Automated approach Example: Verbatim Term Previous Version LLT Previous Version PT Version Change New Version LLT (Re-coded) New Version PT Urinary calculus, migrating Urinary calculus Calculus urinary LLT Migrating urinary calculus was added to the new version Migrating urinary calculus

43 Version Change – New LLTs Better Medical Match
Requires manual medical review Example: Verbatim Term Previous Version LLT Previous Version PT Version Change New Version LLT (Re-coded) New Version PT Darkened surface of tongue (new finding) Tongue discolora-tion Tongue discolouration LLT/PT Tongue pigmentation was added to new version Tongue pigmentation

44 Supplemental Terms Defined as approved change requests between releases of MedDRA Posted on MSSO Web site Assigned MedDRA code Available for use

45 Supplemental Terms (cont)
Most organizations wait for official release Many will review supplemental terms to be aware of what is coming in next release In general, regulatory authorities do not accept supplemental terms 13.0 Updated last bullet to state that most regulators don’t accept supplemental terms. (Previously stated that EMEA supports their use).

46 Blue Ribbon Panel Meeting on Versioning
V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP.

47 Versioning BRP Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) Topics of this BRP
Goal: develop recommendations on an issue Panel members represent ICH regions Observers play important role MSSO presents recommendations to Board for approval Topics of this BRP Extent of MedDRA versioning Frequency of MedDRA releases Hosted by Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ May 2009. V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 47

48 BRP Panel Members Barry Hammond (GlaxoSmithKline)
JoAnn Medbery (Johnson & Johnson) Tom Paternoster (European Medicines Agency) Toni Piazza-Hepp (US Food and Drug Administration) Yasuo Sakurai (Japanese Maintenance Organization) V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 48

49 Extent of MedDRA Versioning
Proposed implementation levels V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 49 MSSO-DI © 2006 Northrop Grumman Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

50 Frequency of MedDRA Releases
Can MedDRA be released once a year instead of two times a year? V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 50

51 Recommendations – Extent of Versioning
1. Content to be added as appendix to “MedDRA Term Selection: Points to Consider” (TS: PTC). PTC WG should further develop content, align it with existing versioning language 2. Add recommendation that organizations document upversioning strategy V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 51

52 Recommendations – Extent of Versioning (cont)
3. Emphasis on communication of version extent; not to be interpreted as regulatory requirement 4. Include impact, positive and negative, of each method of version updates (e.g., recoding non-current LLTs) V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 52

53 Recommendations – Feasibility of Annual Release
Remain biannual for now; revisit in 2011 How to assist small, new subscribers: To implement a new version without recoding is acceptable Develop tool to assess impact of new version and facilitate upversioning task (MSSO) Additional training on version update processes (MSSO) 3. Add to TS: PTC MSSO’s recommendation for implementation date/time (00:00 GMT on 1st Monday of 2nd month after release) V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 53

54 Recommendations – Feasibility of Annual Release (cont)
4. MSSO to collate the versioning requirements of ICH regulatory authorities and post on MSSO website 5. Regulatory authorities should consider future use of supplemental terms All recommendations endorsed by Management Board V 13.0 New slide. Summary of BRP. 54

55 Impact of Version Updates

56 Impacts of New Versions
Key point – LLTs/PTs are never deleted in MedDRA Type of Change Impact LLT/PTs are moved Be aware of change, not necessary to change coding LLTs change currency Probably need to re-code LLT/PTs change primary SOC Understand impact on summary reporting LLT/PTs are added May cause re-coding

57 Impacts of New Versions (cont)
Type of Change Impact Revisions, additions to hierarchy Be aware of change, not necessary to change coding Understand impact on summary reporting Addition of new SMQs No impact on coding Useful information for data analysis and reporting Changes to existing SMQs. PTs added or made inactive No change to coding but be aware of impact on data analysis

58 Sample Version Impact (cont)

59 Sample Version Impact (cont)
New PT added in MedDRA 59

60 Sample Version Impact (cont)
Identify potential impact on existing MedDRA-coded data Significant number of cases are coded under this HLT Some existing verbatim terms/synonym list entries may directly match new PTs or LLTs Some existing verbatim terms/synonym list entries may be medically better terms to use 81 27 60

61 Focused MedDRA Impact Analysis
120 AEs 350 AEs 18 AEs 17 AEs 950 AEs 535 AEs 26 Changes 257 Changes 415 Changes 756 Changes 310 Changes 0 Changes

62 Software Tools For versioning, software tools can be a great time saver Use the tools to focus your review Link MedDRA changes to your organization’s coded data Easily identifies LLTs that changed currency Lists areas of MedDRA your organization uses that have possibly useful new terms Simple queries can be developed using SQL tools to support these standard reports

63 MedDRA Version Analysis Tool
Concept from BRP 6 on versioning MSSO tasked to develop a tool to assist in MedDRA version upgrade Current working title for this project is the MedDRA Version Analysis Tool (MVAT) 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

64 MSSO Actions MSSO developed an initial set of requirements
Requirements refined by MedDRA Expert Panel input Release plan and costs to MedDRA Management Board for approval 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

65 Basic Assumptions Tool will generate a series of reports
Intended to aid all MedDRA users Free with a MedDRA subscription MVAT will not perform coding tasks Difficult to meet different user requirements Could be seen as MSSO or ICH coding guidance Automated tool cannot replace expert human coders 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

66 Basic Assumptions (cont)
All MVAT reports should be considered informational and not a requirement User decides whether to re-code based on information provided Reports can compare any two MedDRA versions MVAT will have two modes of operation Static Reports Interactive Reports (optional) 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

67 Basic Assumptions (cont)
Static Reports MedDRA changes that require no user input (based on current Version Report spreadsheet format) Identify changes between any two MedDRA versions MSSO will continue to produce Version Report spreadsheet (two consecutive versions) 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

68 Report Menu 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

69 Basic Assumptions (cont)
Interactive Reports Require input from the user Verbatim (optional) LLT/PT code (required) Company database identifier (i.e., record number - optional) Provide more of a “tuned” list of changes New MedDRA LLTs directly matching verbatims Currently used LLTs with a currency change Changes in hierarchy for currently used terms 13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

70 Sample Interactive Report Output
13.0 New slide. MVAT summary.

71 Impact of Version Updates on Data Analysis
Version used in data retrieval and presentation should be documented Terms used for queries should be in same version as data being queried Core slide

72 MedDRA Versioning - Effect of PT Demotion
Number of Events at PT Level Pacemaker complication (PT) 15 Medical device complication 5 MedDRA Version 13.0 Pacemaker complication (no longer a PT) 20 Core slide. Updated demotion example for v13.0.Also good to show how specific devices are under general device terms at PT level. 72 72

73 MedDRA Versioning (cont) - Effect of Primary SOC Change
Number of Events SOC Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) PT Ectopic hormone secretion 20 MedDRA Version 13.0 SOC Endocrine disorders Core slide. Updated primary SOC change example for v13.0. PT is not a neoplasm per se but a malignancy-related condition, therefore the primary SOCs were swapped. Now primary to Endocrine with secondary link to Neoplasms. 73 73

74 SMQ Versioning It is recommended that organizations utilize the SMQs with data coded with the same version of MedDRA Match the MedDRA version of the SMQ with the MedDRA version of the coded data Mismatches of SMQ and MedDRA coded data could produce unexpected results Core slide

75 SMQ Versioning (cont) Examples of PTs added to SMQs in MedDRA Version 13.0: PT Spinal column injury in SMQ Accidents and injuries PT Subclavian artery occlusion in SMQ Embolic and thrombotic events, arterial Using version 12.1 SMQs which do not contain these PTs would fail to identify cases coded to these terms in a database using MedDRA Version 13.0 Core slide. Updated with new examples of terms added to SMQs in v13.0.JH. 75

76 Synonym List Maintenance
For new MedDRA versions, run synonyms against new MedDRA LLTs Identify new non-current LLTs that are on synonym list; flag for recoding Run synonyms against new MedDRA LLT list Identify possible new current direct matches

77 Synonym List Maintenance (cont)
Remaining challenge is to determine if “better medical matches” have been added (essentially, a manual process) Communicate results to users of synonym list

78 Conclusions MedDRA version updates can be reduced to reasonable tasks
Focus on what impacts your data Take advantage of data and reports available Communicate changes Some updates may not change coding but may impact data analysis and reporting

79 Summary In this course, we:
Reviewed MedDRA maintenance, growth, and types of version changes Learned about resources available to assist in version updates Learned about the timing and extent of MedDRA version updates Considered the impact of version updates on coded data, including data analysis


81 MSSO Contacts Mail Telephone Fax Products and Services
MedDRA MSSO 3975 Virginia Mallory Drive Chantilly, VA, USA 20151 Telephone Toll-free Worldwide (AT&T) Fax Products and Services 81

82 MSSO Contacts (cont) To Subscribe by Help desk E-mail Web site Phone
Web site click on “Subscribe to MedDRA” Help desk Phone International AT&T Toll Free: Direct Dial (USA): 82

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