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Drill: Convert: 1) 23 cm/ms to km/ns 2) 56 mg/nL to kg/ML

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Presentation on theme: "Drill: Convert: 1) 23 cm/ms to km/ns 2) 56 mg/nL to kg/ML"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill: Convert: 1) 23 cm/ms to km/ns 2) 56 mg/nL to kg/ML

2 Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules, & Ions

3 Atomic Theory Elements composed of atoms Atoms can’t be changed
Compounds of multiple atoms Originated with John Dalton

4 Conservation of Mass In ordinary chemical reactions, matter can be neither created nor destroyed

5 Constant Composition Compounds contain elements that are always in the same proportions

6 Multiple Proportions The elements making up a compound will form whole number ratios

7 Atom The smallest particle that an element can be broken down into and still maintain the properties of the element

8 Atomic Composition Proton: in the nucleus Neutron: in the nucleus
Electron: outside the nucleus

9 Proton In Nucleus +1 charge About 1 amu in mass

10 Neutron In nucleus Neutral in charge Mass is about 1 amu

11 Electron Outside the nucleus -1 in charge
Negligible mass about 1/2000 amu

12 Atomic Number The number of protons in an element Z number

13 Mass Number The number of protons and neutrons in an atom A - number

14 Nuclear Symbol Z X He A

15 Isotopes Atoms that contain the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons Z constant, A variable

16 Atomic Mass The weighted average mass of all the isotopes of an element average of relative abundance x mass number for each isotope

17 Periodic Table Graphic representation of all the elements indicating size, charge, electronic structure, & reactivity

18 Rows which indicate energy level or shell or size of the atoms
Periods Rows which indicate energy level or shell or size of the atoms

19 Groups or Families Columns which indicate the number of electrons in the outermost energy level determining charge & reactivity

20 Metals Left three quarters of the chart Lose electrons Become positive

21 Nonmetals Upper right portion
Gain, lose, or share electrons when they react

22 Metalloids Along the stair-stepped line from B to At
Share properties of metals & nonmetals

23 Radioactivity The spontaneous breakdown of an unstable nucleus

24 Radioactive Decay Alpha radiation Beta radiation Gamma radiation

25 A group of atoms that are chemically combined
Compound A group of atoms that are chemically combined

26 Molecule A compound that can exist by itself

27 Two atoms of the same element that are chemically combined
Diatomic Molecule Two atoms of the same element that are chemically combined Cl2, F2, O2

28 Ion Charged Particle Cl-1

29 Polyatomic Ion A group of atoms chemically combined that together has a charge SO4-2

30 Binary Compound A compound made up of two elements in any ratio NaCl

31 Chemical Formula A formula that shows the number and kinds of atoms in a compound CaCO3

32 Molecular Formula A formula that shows the number and kinds of atoms in a molecule C6H12O6

33 List & describe the three subatomic particles
Atomic Structure List & describe the three subatomic particles

34 Atomic Structure Fill in the Chart: Isotope protons neutrons electrons

35 Calculate the atomic mass of the element made up of the following isotopes: % H % H % H-3

36 Calculate the atomic mass of the element made up of the following isotopes: 5.0 % Pu-242, 5.0 % Pu % Pu-244, & % Pu-245

37 Determine the number of atoms in each compound
C6H12O6 NaNO3 H3PO4 Al2(SO4)3

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