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Week 4: Creation of the Animals Genesis 1:20-25.

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1 Week 4: Creation of the Animals Genesis 1:20-25

2 English poetry rhymes by pairing two words that sound the same.
Remember what we learned in week 1: English poetry rhymes by pairing two words that sound the same. Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Hebrew poetry rhymes by pairing two sentences that mean the same thing OR are opposite to each other. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want

3 Genesis 1 is a Hebrew poem
Genesis 1 is a Hebrew poem. It has this rhythm of twos: Heaven/earth Light/dark Water/land Plants/animals Sun/moon Birds/fish … Man/woman

4 Genesis 1 is also a theological poem, written primarily to tell us about God. The question it wants us to ask is this: What do you learn about God as you read?

5 God is present. Even in chaos. God is intentional. God is not silent.
Remember from week 1? God is present. Even in chaos. God is intentional. God is not silent. God takes chaos, and creates order. God takes order and makes it useful. God gives life and makes it prolific.

6 Genesis 1:20-25 God said, “Let life swim through the waters
Genesis 1:20-25 God said, “Let life swim through the waters! And let life fly through the air, in the sky!”

7 God created the giant sea animals and all the tiny creatures that live in the waters, too, and all the birds, every wing. God saw how good it was.

8 Then God blessed them: “Create more life
Then God blessed them: “Create more life! Creatures of the water, fill the waters; creatures of the air, fill the skies!” Night fell, and then morning came again: day five. God said, “Let life walk and run and crawl upon the earth – let the whole earth be filled with life.”

9 And it happened! God made every kind of wildlife, every kind of livestock, and every kind of creature that crawls on the ground. God smiled at how good it all was.

10 Every creature matters. No matter what it’s size
Every creature matters. No matter what it’s size. No matter where it lives. Whatever the conditions of people’s lives, wherever they live, however they live, we all share the same dreams. --melinda gates


12 Every creature has purpose. Some swim. Some fly. Some crawl. Some walk
Every creature has purpose. Some swim. Some fly. Some crawl. Some walk. Each one’s purpose is unique and necessary. The inchworm cannot say “I do not matter because I am not an elephant.” (see 1 Cor 12)

13 We seek to unlock the possibility inside every individual
We seek to unlock the possibility inside every individual. We see equal value in all lives. And so we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals around the world. From the education of students in Chicago, to the health of a young mother in Nigeria, we are catalysts of human promise everywhere. --bill and melinda gates


15 Every creature is good. No exceptions.
God says this a ridiculous number of times in Genesis 1! It must be true. Remember from last week? God is happy to call you son. God is happy to call you daughter. If we hold this truth in the front of our minds, how might it change things? Personally? Nationally? Globally?

16 Notice all the action! Birds are flying. Fish are swimming. Animals are crawling, walking, running. You have more freedom than you know. So does everybody else. Risk moving. Take action.

17 Here’s my hunch: nobody’s secure, and nobody feels like she completely belongs. Those insecurities are just the job hazards of being human. But some people dance anyway, and those people have more fun.” --glennon doyle melton

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