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The Canadian War Effort on the Homefront During WWII

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1 The Canadian War Effort on the Homefront During WWII
TOTAL WAR The Canadian War Effort on the Homefront During WWII

2 Women and WWII Women made a valuable contribution to WWII as they took on new roles and dedicated themselves to the war effort at home and overseas

3 Women’s Roles During WWII
Women worked as munitions builders, making equipment for the war

4 Women’s Roles During WWII
Women built airplanes

5 Women built ammunition (bullets and shells)
Women’s Roles in WWII Women built ammunition (bullets and shells)

6 Women’s roles in WWII Women worked as welders, building tanks, ships and guns

7 Women’s Roles in WWII Many women became skilled trades people during WWII as they gained experience in factories

8 Women’s Roles During WWII
Women served as nurses overseas in dangerous situations

9 Women’s Roles during WWII
For the first time in Canadian history, women were allowed to join the armed forces

10 Women’s Roles During WWII
Women worked training pilots in the Air Force

11 Women’s Roles During WWII
Women served as war correspondents, radio operators, drivers and code breakers overseas during the war


13 Supporting the War Effort
During WWII the government encouraged Canadians to contribute to the war effort at home by: Buying Victory Bonds Rationing food, fuel, and electricity Recycling metals and other materials needed for the war Sending care packages and letters to troops overseas

14 Supporting the War Effort

15 Supporting the War Effort

16 Supporting the War Effort

17 Propaganda during WWII
During WWII the Allies governments all produced propaganda to build support for the war effort at home

18 Propaganda during WWII

19 Propaganda during WWII

20 Propaganda During WWII

21 Propaganda During WWII

22 Propaganda during WWII

23 Propaganda During WWII

24 Propaganda during WWII

25 Conscription during WWII
During WWII the country went through a conscription crisis again. Prime Minister Mackenzie King had won the 1940 election by promising that he would not introduce conscription As the war dragged on the number of casualties increased and number of volunteers decreased

26 Conscription During WWII
King knew the mistakes of Robert Borden during WWI and wanted to avoid dividing French and English Canadians over the issue of conscription. He decided to hold a special vote to let Canadians decide whether or not he could break his promise and bring in conscription

27 Conscription During WWII
The results of the vote were divided: almost 80% of English Canadians supported conscription, while 85% of French speakers voted against it. Canada was still divided

28 Political Cartoons during WWII
Political cartoons can give us valuable information about the Canadian homefront during WWII. Political cartoons are a primary source because they were created during the war itself Political cartoons can reflect the values of society during this period of time.

29 Analyzing Political Cartoons
Examine the Issue What is the cartoon about? How do you know? What do you see to make you think this? Message What is the cartoonist saying about the issue? The message? How does the cartoonist communicate this message? What do you see to make you think this?

30 King’s Decision


32 Climbing to Victory

33 Victory Bonds

34 The Allied Wave

35 Money for the War

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