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Figure Legend: From: Adaptation to blurred and sharpened video

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1 Figure Legend: From: Adaptation to blurred and sharpened video
Journal of Vision. 2013;13(8):12. doi: / Figure Legend: Staircase design. In one block of trials, six interleaved staircases (horizontal and vertical arrows) controlled the Δs values in one of two regions of the visual field. Blank-adapted staircases (open vertical arrows) controlled the Δs of videos in the blank-adapted field with respect to three fixed Δs standards in the video-adapted field, and video-adapted staircases (solid horizontal arrows) controlled the Δs of stimuli in the video-adapted field with respect to standards in the blank-adapted field. Solid symbols indicate video-adapted matches to blank-adapted standards, and open symbols indicate blank-adapted matches to video-adapted standards for three hypothetical underlying matching functions obtained under three video adapting conditions (thin colored lines). Date of download: 11/6/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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