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Chapter 16 Groundwater.

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1 Chapter 16 Groundwater

2 Water beneath the surface - called groundwater
Properties of Aquifers Aquifer - a body of rock or sediment in which large amount of water can be stored

3 2. Porosity - % of rock or sediment that consists of open space
Sorting - particles of similar size have high porosity Loosely packer material holds more water

4 3. Permeability - the ease with which water passes through rock
Open spaces must be connected Fine grained rock is impermeable

5 B. Zones of Aquifers Zone of Saturation - pore spaces are completely filled with water Zone of Aeration - lies between Zone of Saturation and Earth’s surface

6 C. Movement of Groundwater
Groundwater flows down with gravity Water table fluctuates with precipitation and drought Shallow contours follow surface Can be 2 water tables - top one called perched water table

7 D. Conserving Groundwater
Only sources of water in some areas Aquifers can take thousands of years to form Aquifer “watershed” is called recharge zone Pollution can enter Ocean water can enter

8 E. Wells and Springs Well - a hole dug to bottom of water table
Spring - natural flow of ground water onto Earth’s surface where surface dips below water table Ordinary wells - must be pumped Artesian Formations - naturally pressurized wells and springs

9 E. Hot Spring - heated by magma

10 F. Mud pots - dried up hot spring

11 Paint pots - bacteria make colored bands

12 F. Geysers - hot spring with a pinched vent

13 II. Groundwater and Chemical weathering
Caverns - a large cave with interconnecting chamber

14 B. Stalactites and Stalagmites - dripping water leaves vertical deposits

15 C. Sinkholes - depression of collapsed crust over empty space below

16 D. Natural bridges - caverns collapse but some roof remains

17 E. Karst Topography - irregular topography caused by groundwater and soluble rock (think valley and ridge)

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