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Chapter 8 "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

3 Frequently Used Job Search Strategies
Job fairs Informational Interviews Online job postings/websites Job placement centers Executive search consultants/recruiters Networking: Personal Connections, Unit 8-T1

4 Networking Is most effective way to find job openings
Is connecting with people doing the kind of work you want to do Can be viewed in four categories: Personal relationships Professional relationships Organization and community relationships Unforeseen opportunities Unit 8-T3

5 Informational Interviewing
Is the process of interviewing others to gain detailed information – Employer Locator Unit 8-T4

6 Types of resumes Chronological Functional Combination Unit 8-T5

7 Chronological Resume Advantages - logical flow, easy to read, easy to prepare, familiar to most Disadvantages - emphasizes gaps in employment and job tasks (not skills); not suitable for those with little work experience Best used by persons with steady work history, who have grown in job responsibility, or are seeking work in same or similar areas. Unit 8-T6

8 Functional Resume Advantages - emphasizes skills rather than employment; organizes a variety of experience; can be keyword searched Disadvantages - viewed with suspicion by employers due to lack of work history Best used by persons with little or no previous work experience, employment gaps, or frequent job changers Unit 8-T7

9 Combination Resume Advantages - highlights relevant skills and work history; can be keyword searched; organizes work experience Disadvantages - can be confusing and requires more effort to prepare Best used by career changers or clients in transition, those entering the job market after an absence, or contract workers Unit 8-T8

10 Cover Letter First paragraph - tells why the job seeker is writing
Second paragraph - indicates why the job seeker should be considered for an interview Closing paragraph - indicates what the next steps are Unit 8-T10

11 Kinds of Interviews Informational interviews - to learn more about specific jobs or companies Screening interviews - used by employers to reduce the number of candidates for a specific job (phone, job fairs) Hiring interviews - to identify those who will be hired Unit 8-T12

12 Preparing for an Interview
Find out as much as possible about what the interview will be like Review resume and know how to relate it to the jobs skills required Know what you need to bring to the interview Research the company and be able to apply personal skills to company needs Unit 8-T14

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