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Presentation on theme: "NEW HAMPSHIRE ENERGY POLICY IN 2018"— Presentation transcript:

The New Hampshire Energy Summit 2017 Michael Behrmann, MSEL Director New Hampshire Clean Tech Council A LOOK AHEAD AT NEW HAMPSHIRE ENERGY POLICY IN 2018 To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch the self-running slide show.

2 NHCTC Introduction: “The New Hampshire Clean Tech Council (NHCTC) is a membership-based organization that advocates and represents our state’s clean tech and clean energy business sectors.” 100+ Business Members 15,000+ Employed in Clean Tech Avg. Industry Salary = $74,000

3 Business And Energy Policy In Our State: Plenty of Confusion:
Growing need for reliable energy (old infrastructure) Question large energy investments and whether worth such a cost Question new technologies Growing use of automation = additional energy costs Confused by what approach to take to reduce costs Several voices to listen to with different opinions So what’s the major issue? Which Direction Should Policy Take?: Centralized Gen. / Infrastructure? Distributed, Renewable Gen.?

4 INSTABILITY!!! Biggest Issue: Results In:
Two year policy cycle = constant change Prevents development of projects Dissuades private capital investment No consistent signal from policymakers about long-term goals Delayed progress on infrastructure transformation Difficult for any industry to manage gov/policy instability

5 STABILITY - The key policy to attract (benefit) business growth (success):
Set goals and build policies around those with an eye to long-term impacts Better understand regional market policies from the business side Consider implementing certain policies in NH that have worked well in the region Do not raid energy related funds for other programs/general fund Support businesses looking to go beyond: Ex. Businesses looking to build greater than 1MW PV system to meet their whole facilities energy needs.

6 Business Potential with Effective Policy Deployment:
Removing barriers to clean energy has been found to attract new, large businesses. “Businesses have never had greater ability to purchase or produce renewable energy (RE). It is now possible for corporations to set, and reach, ambitious RE goals, and the movement is accelerating rapidly. Nearly half of Fortune 500 companies have made renewable, greenhouse gas, and/or energy efficiency commitments,…” CORPORATE CLEAN ENERGY PROCUREMENT INDEX: STATE LEADERSHIP & RANKINGS, JANUARY Retail Industry Leaders Association (RITA), Information Technology Industry (ITI) Council, and CleanEdge.

7 Workforce Development
Energy policies have real world implications and can assist with solving other challenges found in the state such as our aging workforce. Some voices in the state have portrayed such a bad light around energy that we are likely seeing an avoidance of successful new business because of it. Focusing on clean energy jobs will attract millennials to the state and provide additional opportunities to open their own businesses, while helping others. New clean energy/tech = New business and demographic

8 2018 and Beyond: HOT SECTORS!!
What to look for that will likely require some level of policy change and impact the business sector Policies assisting existing manufacturers in their attempts to retool to diversify and participate in the clean energy/tech sector Keeping manufacturing industry strong through policies making businesses more efficient and energy independent Policies that recruit businesses that manufacture parts and goods for the clean energy/tech industry: software development, composites, advanced materials, etc. View energy policies through workforce development potential HOT SECTORS!! Electric vehicles Battery storage Micro grid deployment New clean energy technology deployment

9 Closing Thought: We are investing every single day, whichever direction we go. It would appear most prudent to use our policies to direct our investments down a path that is forward-looking, long-lasting, dynamic, and will grow our businesses and workforce.

10 THANK YOU! Visit Our Website to Find Out More: Michael Behrmann, Director:


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