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European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016

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1 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016
Vienna | Austria | 17 – 22 April 2016 On searching applicants for mechanism of solar-lithosphere relations Kairatkyzy D., Andreev Saltanat Zhumabayeva, Alibek Seraliyev "Institute of Ionosphere”, "National Center for Space Research and Technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan Abstract EGU Session SM3.2/NH4.4 Introduction Over the past 50 years has been actively discussed the possible impact of variations in solar activity on the Earth's seismic activity [1-6 and references in herein]. For example, Fig. 1, [6] shows the long-term trends in the average annual number of solar activity and the annual amount of earthquakes with a magnitude of M≥4.5 are in opposite phase. The average number of sunspots decreases from 1973 to 2011, while the number of earthquakes increases. As contenders for the physical mechanism of solar-lithospheric relations are now considering: - Muons of cosmic rays, which can penetrate into the earth's crust to a depth of at least ten kilometers, and in intense seismic environment generat nuclear electromagnetic cascade, the energy of which can be a trigger of earthquakes, if the stress in the environment has reached a critical level at which the destruction of rocks can occur [7]; Geomagnetic storms [8], namely, the high-frequency oscillations of the geomagnetic field during the main phase of the storm can generate considerable induced currents, electric energy in the Earth's crust can be converted into mechanical energy [9], and create additional stress in the rock.However, along with these applicants, it is necessary to take into account the results of numerous studies, for example, [10] where it is shown that the activation of the seismic process can be caused by variations in Earth's angular velocity. In this regard, it is appropriate to analyze the variations of solar activity and Variations Earth's angular velocity or length of days (LOD). Data For the study used data on the LOD from 1973 to 2014yr measured by the International Earth Rotation Service shows the deviation of the length of day reference value equal to sec., and the measurement error is shown in Fig. 2b. It can be seen that the error in the values ​​(Delta_LOD) significantly decreased in the 80s of the 20th century after the introduction of the performance of GPS technology. Results. Fig. 3 shows the daily sunspot numbers for yy available online  and Fig. 3b shows the daily values of ​​Delta LOD parameter for the same period of time. Bold black lines show the long-term linear trends in the raw data. It is evident that long-term trends for the analyzed data are in phase. The number of sunspots on the average decreased from 1973 to 2014 and also reduced the duration of Earth days, that is, to increase the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation. As stated, for example, in [11], to the speed of rotation of the earth have a significant impact lunar-solar tides. Due to the daily rotation of the Earth has the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution with compression 1/298.  . The tide-generating force stretches of land along the straight line connecting its center with the center of the perturbing body, while its compression increases when the tensile axis coincides with the plane of the equator, and decreases when stretch axis deviates towards the tropics The moment of inertia of the compressed Earth is greater than the non-deformed, and as the Earth's pulse (i.e. the product of its moment of inertia by the angular velocity) must remain constant, the angular speed of rotation of the Earth compressed less than the unstrained. Given the above it can be concluded that the time interval yy when there was an increase in the average angular velocity of the Earth's rotation (reduction in the LOD, Fig. 3.), Deformation of the planet decreased - it has sought to form a more spherical.  Fig. 4 shows the amplitude spectrum of variations in the LOD, calculated as the Fourier transform of the correlation function. The spectrum clearly distinguished tidal harmonics in accordance with [11]: annual (365.3 days), semi-annual (182.5 days), 27-day (27.5 days), 13-day (13.6 days) and a 9-day (9.1 days). As stated in [11], fluctuations in the LOD (angular velocity) with the semi-annual and annual periods are caused by solar tides due to variations in the declination of the Sun and the geocentric distance. Due to the duration of the lunar tides Earth days (angular velocity) changes in the sidereal month (27.3 days). During this period the moon moves from its extreme position in the Northern Hemisphere, when her positive declination maximum to minimum negative declination in the Southern Hemisphere, and then returns to the Northern Hemisphere to the maximum declination. At the same time the speed of rotation of the Earth is experiencing two semimonthly fluctuations with peaks at a maximum distance of the Moon from the Earth's equator, in the Northern and in the Southern Hemisphere, and the minima at the intersection of the moon's equator. Conclusion For the time interval of 42 years ( ) the variations in solar activity, the LOD, global seismic activity are analyzed. It is shown that a long-term increase in global seismic activity is accompanied by a long-term decrease in the level of solar activity, and a long-term decrease in the LOD (increase in the Earth's angular velocity). The subject of our further research will be a study of long-term variations of the amplitudes of tidal LOD harmonics in relation with variations of solar and seismic activities. Fig. 1 - The average number of sunspots for yr (black columns) and the annual number of earthquakes with M≥4.5 (gray columns), black and gray curves - long-term exponential trends [6]. Fig.2. Variations in the length of Earth days deviations from the reference value of sec. for the period from 1973 to 2014 yr. Fig. 3 - Variations of daily mean values ​​of the number of sunspots (a) and the length of Earth days (b) in 1973 – 2014yr. 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