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Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment

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Presentation on theme: "Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment
Lessons from SBIRT Translating Curriculum for Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment into Real-time Learning

2 Your Goals for this session
Introductions What are you currently doing in your programs to teach substance abuse issues? What is working for you? What are your challenges? All - Phil

3 Our Goals & Objectives Define key elements of SBIRT
Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment Review progression of learning and use of innovative SBIRT didactic materials Identify strategies for resident skills training in brief interventions Phil

4 Screening What is SBIRT? Brief Intervention Referral to Treatment
for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Shari

5 Causes of Preventable Death in the United States
Shari Mokdad et al., 2004

6 SBIRT Medical Residency Training Grant
Funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Started in 2008 5 year award 17 funded grantees in US

7 SBIRT Medical Residency Training Grantee Locations

8 SBIRT Training Grant Sites in Pennsylvania

9 SBIRT Training - PA (as of 2010)
1,256 residents trained since September 2008 675 new residents trained Oct May 2010 Grant sites trained 1,021 non-residents (physician assistants, psychologists, social workers, other healthcare professionals) Shari Source: Singh, Kasten, & Hayashi. (2010). Training in SBIRT in Medical Schools in the United States: An Examination of Physician Education and Training on Conducting Screenings, Brief Interventions, and Referrals to Treatment. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from

10 SBIRT Curriculum Vision
Create a publisher ready, turn-key SBIRT curriculum : Evidence-based Comprehensive yet concise Highly modular and adaptable to a variety of training environments Emphasis on knowledge that is clinically relevant and interesting to trainee and practicing physicians Patty

11 SBIRT Curriculum Modules
Special Populations Adolescents Criminal Justice Emergency Dept Geriatrics HIV+ Homeless Injectors In-patients Impaired Professionals Military & Veterans Obstetrics Pain in Addicted Populations Sexual Minorities Core Curriculum Module 1 Intro to SBIRT & Screening Module 2 Medical/Psych Complications Module 3 Effective Brief Intervention Module 4 Referral to Treatment Module 5 Pharmacotherapy for SUD Patty

12 SBIRT Implementation – Part 1
Curriculum Development Level 1 - Basic SBIRT topics Level 2 - SBIRT for Special Populations dex.php

13 SBIRT Implementation – Part 2
Universal Screening Paper vs. EHR Brief Screen Modified ASSIST AUDIT / DAST Patty

14 SBIRT innovative learning tools
SBIRT Jeopardy game SBIRT Jeopardy ppt Interactive BI internet program Smartphone App (in development) SBIRT_App_in_PowerPoint_2013.pptx Patty

15 Interactive BI skills training
Didactic materials Role plays Simulated patient exercises Shari

16 Barriers to Implementation
Curricular time Competing priorities for residents Varying levels of faculty expertise and commitment Varying levels of interest and motivation from residents Competing demands for faculty “champions” Phil

17 Outcomes Resident Satisfaction Surveys Pre-training Post- training

18 Resident Satisfaction all sites, Level 1, n=232
Gender Male Female 110 (47%) 117 (50%) Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino 7 (3%) 215 (93%) Race White African-American Asian Biracial/Multiracial 139 (60%) 12 (5%) 70 (30%) 2 (<1%) Phil

19 Resident Satisfaction - Overall
Item n Mean Score (SD) Overall quality of training 230 2.46 (1.00) Quality of instruction 2.30(.99) Quality of training materials 2.42(1.01) Overall training experience 229 2.42(1.07) Phil very satisfied not at all satisfied

20 Resident Satisfaction - Instructor
Item n Mean Score (SD) Knowledgeable in subject matter 230 1.78 (.80) Well-prepared for course 1.80(.80) Receptive to participant comments 229 1.80(.79) Phil very satisfied not at all satisfied

21 Resident Satisfaction - Training
Item n Mean Score (SD) Was well-organized 230 2.16(.85) Enhanced skills in topic area 229 2.25(.95) Was relevant to career 228 2.07(.98) Relevant to substance abuse treatment 1.92(.81) very satisfied not at all satisfied

22 Resident Satisfaction - Other
Item n Mean Score (SD) Material useful in dealing with substance abuse 230 2.18(1.00) Currently effective working in topic area 229 2.44(.74) Expect to use information from training 2.13(.97) Expect training to benefit clients Recommend training to colleagues 2.57(1.17) very satisfied not at all satisfied

23 SBIRT Curriculum Sustainability
Successes of curriculum Challenges of curriculum Future plans What to incorporate into overall Behavioral Health/Family Medicine curricula? Shari & All

24 Discussion All

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