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8th CCAUV RMO WG meeting feed to CCAUV

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1 8th CCAUV RMO WG meeting feed to CCAUV
Presented by Ian Veldman 10th CCAUV Meeting November 2015

2 CCAUV RMO WG Agenda Welcome to the BIPM (The CCAUV President)
Approval of the minutes of the 7th meeting, held in 2013 Action points from the 7th meeting, held in 2013 Review of CCAUV RMO WG TOR Review of service categories Proposal to adopt ISO 266 “Acoustics—Preferred frequencies” for vibration calibration Expressing CMCs in matrix format (KCDB Coordinator) JCRB documents and JCRB Website CMC Review Workshop Feedback (Takashi)

3 8th CCAUV RMO WG Meeting The President proposed the RMO WG Chair to rotate among the RMOs every 4 years It was noted that the RMO WG needs continuity

4 8th CCAUV RMO WG Meeting Service Categories
The revision of the service categories has been quite a long process The proposed revisions has been implemented and again considered by the meeting It was conclude that fine adjustments will be made and circulated to RMO Chairs before final acceptance and publication Service Categories For Auxiliary Equipment After in-depth review and consideration and in support of CIPM MRA, it was concluded that such service categories are needed to support services delivered by NMIs It was however recommended to find service category descriptions that minimise the number of new entries required That these should be strictly limited to those services for which discrete certificates are issued Given that these measurements are largely electrical, there is some requirement to ensure that CCAUV does not encroach on the area of responsibility of other CCs Service categories for conditioning amplifiers will be developed

5 8th CCAUV RMO WG Meeting Regarding the use of ISO 266 frequencies for vibration measurements the meeting concluded not to insist on use of ISO frequency for vibration measurement, but to use them as a basis where appropriate, e.g. in KCs where frequency needs to be carefully specified, perhaps with appropriate rounding or use of preferred nominal values as appropriate to meet technical requirements Matrix presentation of CMCs was considered Most of AUV CMCs have only frequency as a parameter and the benefits of matrix representation are reduced The consensus was that AUV is satisfied with the current situation of individual CMC lines for frequency bands

6 8th CCAUV RMO WG Meeting JCRB matters and workshop feedback was presented by Reviewed some new or recently updated documents on: Use of MRA logo on certificates Expectations for DIs participating in the MRA Guidelines for QS for Institutes party to the MRA but outside of an RMO CMC review guidance (changes relating to greying-out of CMCs and subsequent re-instatement) Procedures for comparisons (including new request to update status of KCs as they progress) New arrangements for CMC review deadlines have been effective in reducing the time taken for reviews to be completed When a deadline is missed, the RMO lose their right to participate further in that particular CMC review A sixth RMO, GULFMET, has been approved GULFMET currently have provisional status Will eventually submit and take part in the CMC process There is currently no indication that they will be involved in AUV, except perhaps Saudi Arabia Qiao Sun from NIM China was proposed at next RMO WG Chair subject to management approval If APMP is not able to provide a chair, COOMET will be approached The outgoing Chair, Mr Ian Veldman, takes the position of vice-chair to ensure continuity the RMO WG activities

7 Thank you for your attention!

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