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Info PhD Fellowships
Infosession fellowships FWO
Agenda Mission and key facts Research Integrity Selection procedure and how to apply Funding schemes of the FWO Pre-doctoral fellowships (a.o. Aspiranten) Travel grants PhD SB Varia Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Mission of the FWO Funds fundamental and strategic basic scientific research (‘frontier research’) Bottom-up funding in all disciplines Strong selection based on scientific excellence and interuniversity competition (Flemish universities and, to a lesser extent, research institutes) Transparent and equal opportunities Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Our partners Universities (Leuven, Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, Hasselt) Main (Strategic) Research Centers: Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Label awarded in december 2010 Implementation of Charter & Code Focus on transparent recruitment procedures and family/gender friendly measures Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Target groups of the FWO Young researchers Postdoctoral researchers Established researchers Research teams Top-researchers and high-potential researchers Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Funding schemes of the FWO Funding for individual researchers pre- and postdoctoral fellowships, bench fees and grants Funding for research teams Research projects, Big Science, Bilateral agreements, … Supporting mobility, international contacts and collaborations travel grants, sabbatical leaves, scientific research communities, organisation of conferences in Belgium, international coordination actions, collaboration agreements, … Attracting excellent researchers, active abroad, to Flanders Odysseus , Pegasus Awarding scientific prizes Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Budget 2015: 241 million EUR, ca. 82% from Flemish Government Budget 2016: 321 million EUR (new system of MAC) Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Allocation 2015 Distribution of the allocation Infosession fellowships FWO
Evolution number researchers in function (1st Oct.)
1. Mission and key facts Evolution number researchers in function (1st Oct.)
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts % foreign researchers (excl. Projects) Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
1. Mission and key facts Evolution success rate Infosession fellowships FWO
Information session FWO
Mission and key facts Events Information session FWO
2. Research Integrity As part of FWO Policy:
Clause in call text, application and contract on committment to RI Profiles for (co)promoters and researchers Adaptations in General Regulation and Regulation Pre- and Postdoc on procedure and sanctions in case of RI violation Please read the detailled information on our website: . Every applicant and beneficiant is expected to know the rules and what (s)he will be committed to.
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Call External referees (online) Submission/ eligibility check Expert Panels (30+1) (CIS) Board of Trustees 1 February 1 April April/May September/ October 2 meetings/year in Brussels 28 June 2017 22 November 2017 Duration workflow fellowships: < 5 months Duration workflow projects: < 7 months Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
FWO E-Portal ( (register at least 24 hours in advance) Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Some important changes in the forms Project outline A standard template is presented with questions and instructions (Font Calibri 11 - max 10 pages). The applicant will be able to download it, fill it in and upload it again. (You can include lay-out, formulas, graphs, pictures, etc.) The FWO administration can reject the PDF if it doesn’t comply with the instructions and ask to adapt it. Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Publication lists within the E-portal Based on FWO classification (A1.1, A1.2, A2, B1, etc.) A1.2 : Peer-reviewed articles in journals approved by VABB Copy/paste of publications within each category is possible Automatic upload from Academic Bibliography available. Only for the publication categories A1.1, A1.2, A2, B1, B2, B3 and C1. But final check by the applicant of the uploaded references remains necessary! Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Ethical advice The applicant has to indicate whether an advice is necessary if human beings or animals are involved. The panel can also ask for an advice. The advice has to be provided by the local ethical commission (host institution). The advice has to be submitted to FWO before the start of the fellowship/work package concerned. No advice fellowship can start, but bench fee can be reclaimed See for detailled information: . Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Ranking and granting (Pre- and Postdoc) Applications with insufficient quality: not ranked Others: ranked without the possibility of equal ranking. For the 2016/2017 round (deadline 02/01/2017) Pre- and Postdoc I: distribution on the basis of the average historic distribution of fellowships in period Infosession fellowships FWO
3. Selection procedure and how to apply
Ranking and granting PRE-DOC POSTDOC I % BIO 11,4 13,8 CULT 17,7 15 GM 18,1 15,4 INTDIS 2,3 2,9 MED 25,6 24,1 WT 25 28,7 Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Pre-doctoral fellowships Postdoctoral fellows Research and travel grants Deadline fellowships: 1 February 2017 – 17h00 Start date: 1 October 2017 Applications in English Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Fellowships: general remarks There is a maximum of 2 attempts to apply for a specific grant Evaluation and ranking (Pre- and Postdoctoral fellows) Applications for the Interdisciplinary Panel which are inadmissible based on the interdisciplinarity of the research proposal, can be redirected towards a monodisciplinary panel (after consultation of the applicant). Selection of the correct Expertpanel is very important Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships fundamental research PhD Fellowships Special PhD Fellowships separate funding line/ranking Clinical PhD Fellowships ICM/FWO-PhD Fellowships Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships What? 2 year, 1x renewable (2x2) Full time research In preparation of a PhD Fellowship Social security is paid (by FWO) No personal taxes Fiscally dependent on parents / partner (marriage or legally cohabiting) Same pension rights as employees Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Who can apply? Nationality requirements: Master degree awarded in an EEA-country (or Switzerland) Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Who can apply? Age limitations: < 31 years: no restrictions ≥ 31 years: five years after awarding master degree (1 Oct.) In case more than one master degree, only degree in field of planned PhD is taken into account In any case: 1st degree no longer than 10 years ago (1 Oct.) +1 year for pregnancy or parental leave Scientific seniority: ≤ 3 years (1 Oct.) Training as Medical Doctor – or pharmacologist – counts for 50% Never before be appointed as FWO-fellow Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Who can act as supervisor/promotor? a ZAP-member with an appointment of more than 10% at a Flemish university; a ZAP-member with an appointment of 10% at a Flemish university, with a specific research mandate; a ZAP-member with an appointment of 5% at a Flemish university AND at the same time appointed as (assistant) head of the clinic or in a similar function at an Academic Hospital in Flanders; Academic personnel appointed at the Evangelische Protestantse Faculteit in Leuven or at the Faculteit voor Protestantse Godgeleerdheid in Brussels; A research director of FWO; A nominative beneficiant of an ERC grant (Starting/Consolidator/Advanced) or an Odysseus II grant. > only ERC Grants at Flemish universities Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Who can act as co-supervisor (copromotor)? All co-supervisors should be researchers of at least postdoctoral level; appointed at a Flemish university or the Transnational University of Limburg, a Flemish research institution, a Flemish Academic hospital, or a Federal research institution. Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Recommendation letter Supervisor Where applicable: co-supervisor Personal statement Important element in evaluation Each applicant should write his/her own letter No external referees => international Expert Panel Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Personal statement The personal statement is your opportunity to discuss personal motivations, your (research) interests, your experience and activities, and your future goals. The Personal Statement should focus on your personal background or experiences that have significantly influenced you or your goals. It should be a document that describes your abilities, skills, and accomplishments as evidence of your aspirations for pursuing a career in research If you have interrupted your academic career at any given point for at least three months, you may provide details about this in your Personal Statement (optional). This Personal Statement should be written in English, and is limited to characters, including spaces (ca. 500 words). Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Evaluation and selection criteria (cfr. Evaluation template) Track record Scientific independence Research capability and potential Originality and innovative nature of the project Feasibility of the project Purposefulness of the project Methodology Quality of coaching and assistance Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships and other schemes Publications The classification in the publication list does not imply a qualitative ranking order. The Expert panel evaluates the quality of the publications. The FWO does not put forward qualitative or quantitative norms. (cf. publication list) Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships and other schemes The criteria are scored by the Expert panel as follows: A+ marks for the top 5% of the proposals; A marks for the top 10% of the proposals; A- marks for the top 20% of the proposals; B range only for the top 50% of the proposals; C or D for the lower half of the proposals. (Cf. Assessment Form) Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Accountability Progress report / end report Evaluated by FWO Expert Panels FWO should be mentioned on each publication Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Extra activities Supervision of practica: max. 4 hours / week Administrative / clinical tasks: max. 8 hours / week Important: Progress of the PhD-research may not be jeopardised NO other teaching activities are allowed Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Additional courses Registration for PhD-courses / doctoral school is allowed Additional courses are possible BUT Progress of the PhD-research may not be jeopardised ≤ 8 hours /week Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Bench fee Each year € 3.720 Common responsibility of PhD and supervisor May be cumulated with other working allowances Credit balances may be used the next year Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Bench fee can be used for: Travel and accommodation costs (congress, research stays, …) Consumables used for the approved research project (computer, literature, …) Publication costs To buy chemicals or lab animals Bench fee cannot be used for: Commuting expenses Admission fee for (inter)national universities Personal expenditures of the PhD Overhead university Costs made by other members of the research team Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Predoctoral fellowships Fellowships with an external partner: SCK.CEN, VITO and L’Oréal SCK.CEN Each year 2 fellowships + bench fee SCK Jury Ranked FWO-applicants FWO funds renewal VITO (also 2 postdoc) VITO-Jury L’Oréal Every 2 year (Life Sciences) Biomedical research Women in Science Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Special PhD Fellowships What? Intended to enable persons not employed in a research group to complete a PhD within a year and to obtain study leave from their current employer for this purpose Subject to social security The stipend covers the net salary that is renounced by the candidate Advice, selection, evaluation Cfr. PhD Fellowships Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Special PhD Fellowships Who can apply? Applicants need to have a permanent position (private sector, administration, etc.) Applicants may not be appointed as researcher (Hogescholen: personel group 1 may apply, group 2 and 3 not) No clinicians Never before awarded with a PhD fellowship It must be possible to finish the PhD in 1 year Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Clinical PhD Fellowships What? PhD for medical doctors, veterinarians, dentists and pharmacists, who, no later than 1 October preceding the fellowship, are recognized as medical specialists, veterinary specialists, dental specialists, general practitioner or pharmacist specialists in Belgium. Halftime exemption of clinical tasks for 2 years Age limit: none 50% of the salary costs (< EUR) Advice, selection, evaluation Director academic hospital/ head of the dep. of the animal clinic Dean of the faculty Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Clinical PhD Fellowships Who can apply? Permanent position in an academic hospital / animal clinic of a Flemish university / Flemish dep. of family medicine Possible to complete your PhD in 2 years Never been awarded before a PhD fellowship Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
ICM PhD fellowships Current situation Founded in 1970 Autonomous institution Financial support: yearly FWO allowance The future of ICM No participation anymore from French speaking part of Belgium The Flemish participants go on Adjusted to FWO-procedures Continuation of exam and interview candidates Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
ICM PhD fellowships 3 year stipend Second year at foreign institution (management studies), incl. tuition fee + travel expences Possibility of applying for long stay abroad at FWO Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
EUI: European University Institute Florence 2014 Infosession fellowships FWO
EUI PhD programma Timing: Call open: 02/11/2016 Deadline: 31/01/2017
Communication results: end of April Start fellowship: 01/09/2017 Role FWO: ‘Grant Awarding Authority’ for Belgium (Flanders): 2 PhD fellowships (4 years) available FWO finances 1-3 year: 1860 EUR/month EUI finances 4th year: 1280 EUR/month Years 1 to 4: travel allowance + health insurence
Ranking the applications Selection candidates for a FWO-EUI stipend
Evaluatievaluation procedure EUI EUI Advice committee (19/02/ Brussels) Evaluation: researcher project purpose: Ranking the applications Selection Meeting (02/03/2016- Florence) evaluation: Researcher/project Imbedding EUI purpose: Selection applications invited for interview (± double the amount of fellowships) Interviews (4-7/04/ Florence) evaluation: Researcher/project purpose: Selection candidates for a FWO-EUI stipend
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Travel Grants Bottom-up: free choice of destination and research topic No grants inside Europe for Aspirant/IWT-fellowship and FWO-postdoc At least one publication Types of grants: Attendance of international conferences / workshops Short and long stays abroad Infosession fellowships FWO
4. Funding schemes of the FWO
Earmarked Travel Grants: Belgian Historical Institute in Rome (BHIR) Stipends: Stay + travel For research in archives, libraries, archaeological digs and in museums 1 week – 12 months (cf. FWO short and long stays) Master or Doctorate in Humanities Affiliation to Belgian university Submission: September Evaluation together and in interaction with Academia Belgica See for more information: . Infosession fellowships FWO
Infosession fellowships FWO
5. SB PhD Stipends for PhD SB (Strategic Basic Research) A funding line of its own Between fundamental and applied research With economic goal and potential for enterprise(s) > see specific information session later on Infosession fellowships FWO
More information on the FWO
Website of the FWO: Information on strategy, regulations, scientific prizes, calls, … Free to download publications More information on FWO: Infosession fellowships FWO
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