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Computer Software Digital Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Software Digital Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Software Digital Literacy

2 Software Categories There are two main type of software categories
Operating Systems Software Application Software Each serve a different but important part in the information processing cycle.

3 Understanding Operating Systems

4 Operating Systems

5 Operating System’s Job
Booting: the events that occur between the time you turn the computer on and when it becomes ready to use Six Events of the Boot Process Power up Starts the boot software Power-on self-test Identify peripheral devices Loads operating system Checks configurations and customizations

6 Operating System Software for Personal Computers
The Operating System is the master controller on your computer. Computers cannot function without it. It manages the computer's memory, processing, software and hardware.

7 Types of Operating Systems
The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

8 Most Popular OS?

9 Windows Operating System Characteristics
Almost 90% of the operating system market share uses Windows Pros: Lots of software available, easy to use, many people learned it in school Cons: More vulnerable to virus attacks, slower, and is expensive

10 Mac operating System Characteristics
MAC OS was the first ever successful graphical-based operating system, released one year before Windows! Pros: Fewer viruses—(mostly because of Window superior market share), Mac OSX has less crashes, and is faster than other operating systems Cons: Mac OS software and Mac computers are more expensive and have fewer apps and games than Windows PCs

11 Linux Operating System Characteristics
Smaller Operating System than Windows or MAC OS, but growing Pros: You can download it, install it, use it, and customize it FREE! Can often be used for months without needing to be rebooted. Cons: It is complicated to use, requires someone with training to customize it and does not have as many programs or games available

12 Graphical User Interface
Modern operating systems use Graphical User Interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey) GUI is a graphics-based interface It lets you use a mouse to access or move things, click on icons, buttons, and menus Icon: An image or graphic that represents an executable file Menu: A dropdown list or table of executable options

13 Operating Systems for Mobile Devices
Mobile devices such as phones, tablet computers, and mp3 players run operating systems that are designed specifically for mobile devices. They are generally not as fully-featured as those made for desktop or laptop computers. Notice the types different types of Operating Systems for mobile devices shown above.

14 Understanding Applications

15 Review Application or App?
An application (or app) is software designed to help the user perform specific tasks. Applications for desktop or laptop computers are called application software. Applications for mobile devices are called mobile apps. You can have more than one application open at the same time--this is known as multitasking.

16 App vs. Application Review: Mobile Apps are simple applications that can be downloaded from the Internet cheaply or even for free. Many apps are available for mobile devices and even some TVs. Application Software or Desktop Applications are more full-featured software that allow you to run complex software like a word processor, spreadsheet, computer game, or web browser.

17 What type of application software should you use?
Click on the circles below to learn about common application software and what they are used for. Application Software Word Processing Spreadsheet Presentation Database Graphics & Multi-media

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19 There is never an end to the possibilities in the world of computing!
Works Cited The End! There is never an end to the possibilities in the world of computing!

20 Word Processing Software
Word processing software allows users to create and manipulate documents that contain text and graphics. Go Back

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22 Database Software Collects and manages large amounts of data: Go Back

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24 Spreadsheet Software Lets you perform mathematic calculations
Used to organize numeric information in columns and rows. Go Back

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26 Presentation software
Communicates ideas, messages, and other information to a group through a slide show. Go Back

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28 Graphics & Multimedia software
Software that allows you to create, play and edit photo, audio and video files. Desktop Publishing Software Computer Aided Design (CAD) Go Back

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