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Made Green in Italy: a voluntary labelling scheme based on PEF

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1 Made Green in Italy: a voluntary labelling scheme based on PEF
Paolo Masoni, ENEA 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium Montpellier (F) September 2016

2 Table of content The European and Italian context Goal and Scope
Status Procedure for developing PCRs Who does what Additional complexity Final remarks: opportunities and challanges

3 The Context EU PEF-OEF Pilot phase will end mid 2017
Discussion on policy uptake in European polices is at an early stage. continuation of industrial testing. 2020 decision on policy use Italy: first country implementing PEF in policy Recently approved a law for the “Promotion of the Green Economy” (L. 221/2015). Among others, relevant aspects are: Development of the National Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (PAN SCP) Green Public Procurement (GPP) becomes mandatory Development of a national voluntary scheme for environmental claims of products: Made Green in Italy Of course, these three elements are strongly interconnected and integrated with the promotion of Circular Economy

4 Made Green in Italy: Goal
to promote the competitiveness of the Italian production system in the national and international markets, considering the increasing demand of highly environmental qualified products, by: promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, contributing to the European SCP strategy stimulating the continuous improvement of environmental performance of products, reducing impacts in their life cycles and fostering the adoption of innovative technologies and production protocols; supporting informed and aware choices by citizens assuring transparent and comparable information on products’ environmental performances; strengthening the image, attractiveness and communication impact of highly environmentally qualified products adopting Product Environmental Footprint method integrated with social sustainability criteria and safeguard of the landscape for agricultural productions

5 Made Green in Italy: Scope
Italian products, including agrofood Facilitation for the participation of cluster of enterprises Test transient period

6 Status Law 221/2015 enforced in February 2016
General Program Regulation drafted and published for Public Consultation (10 June – 1 July) Ministerial Decree with the General Program Regulation under preparation, considering comments received in public consultation In 2017 the Made Green in Italy will become operational

7 Development of Product Category Rules PCR
EU PEFCR Add additional requirements Benchmark Performance classes Y Public Consultation PCR approved N Draft PCR w Benchmark Performace classes Screening study Additional requirements for PCRs: Made in Italy 3 most relevant impact categories Benchmark for Italian products and 3 performance classes Landscape safeguard and social sustainability GPP criteria

8 Who does what Program Operator approves PCRs and grants license for label use to enterprises Technical Secretariat manages technical and administrative aspects Program Operator supported by Technical Secretariat may develop PCRs Industrial associations and cluster of enterprises, if representative, develop PCRs Stakeholders participate to public consultation of PCRs Enterprises perform PEF studies following the PCRs, develop product declarations, commit for improvements and request the label Indipendent verifiers verify the PEF studies and product declarations against PCR requirements

9 Additional complexity
“Made in Italy” Continuous improvement Link with GPP Sustainable production system and Social aspects Landscape safeguard for agricultural practice Relation with agrofood labels: organic farming and other EU quality schemes for agricultural products (products must adhere to a precise set of specifications): Protected Designation of Origin –PDO Protected Geographical Indication –PGI Traditional Speciality Guaranteed – TSG

10 Support to SMEs Cluster of SMEs can develop PEF study of a product representative of the cluster The study can be used to develop a simplified calculation tool The simplified tool shall be verified and validated Each SME can use the simplified tool for its own PEF study

11 PEF – Personal remarks PEF- OEF are methods for quantification and communication of environmental performance of products and organisations that can be used to support Circular Economy and SCP in different aspects, not limited to communication to consumers. Achieved results of pilot phase: LCA has done incredible steps ahead in solving practical problems and decreasing arbitrariness Pilots in progress are providing an huge amount of data, information, knowledge Policy makers and business have the responsibility to fully exploit the methods and the knowledge towards a more sustainable pattern of production and consumption; consumers can play a role but we cannot put all the responsibility on their shoulders

12 Thank you for your attention
Paolo Masoni ENEA via Martiri di Monte Sole 4 Bologna Disclaimer: the presentation is based on best updated knowledge but, until the publication on the Official Journal of the Decree with the General Program Regulation, any aspect of the Made Green in Italy Scheme may change

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