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Jesus Christ: The Master Teacher

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1 Jesus Christ: The Master Teacher
What We Can Learn From His Interaction with the At Risk

2 Jesus taught all of his students.
The noticeably at-risk (the sick, the needy, the poor) The Pharisees (the legalistic, the arrogant) The disciples (the clueless but willing)

3 We must teach all of our students.
The noticeably at-risk (the behavior problems, the needy, the sad, the poor achievers, etc.) The 21st century Pharisees (the ones who think they’re superior to those at-risk classmates) The students who genuinely want to learn from you (those who are watching how you treat the noticeably at-risk in your class)

4 Jesus shattered cultural norms.
Race, ethnicity Gender Social class

5 We must shatter cultural norms.
Examine our own hearts for biases. Be willing to become a student of another culture in order to be a better teacher. Model humility and love as Christ did (Philippians 2).

6 Jesus used some methods consistently.
Asking questions Telling stories, parables Object lessons, demonstrations

7 Good teachers use proven best practices.
Questions, story-telling, and object lessons are still excellent pedagogical practices. Consistency is also extremely important. Authenticity is valued; hypocrisy is distained. Relationship is everything.

8 Jesus differentiated for the needs of the at-risk learner.
Blind Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52 Rich young ruler: Mark 10:17-31 Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-10 Thomas: John 20:24-31

9 Blind Bartimaeus: I want to see Mark 10:46-52
Jesus stopped (v. 49). Jesus asked him what he wanted him to do for him (v. 51). Jesus met his felt need (v. 52).

10 Rich young ruler: Anything but that! Mark 10:17-31
Jesus saw right through his “posing” (vv ). Jesus loved him anyway (v. 21). Jesus didn’t cut him any slack; he gave him the tough assignment (v. 21). Jesus understood that it was ultimately the student’s choice (v. 22). Jesus used this “failure” as an opportunity to teach his other students (vv ).

11 Zacchaeus: Please accept me! Luke 19:1-10
Jesus understood his insecurities (implied by his attention in v. 5). Jesus ignored public opinion of Z’s position as tax collector and saw instead his potential to change (vv. 5-10). Jesus recognized his change publicly (vv. 5, 9, 10). Jesus once again used the opportunity to teach the entire “class” (v. 10).

12 Thomas: I’ll believe it when I see it! John 20:24-31
Jesus knew his need because he knew Thomas (implied in vv. 26, 27). Jesus did not refuse to meet Thomas’ need but gave him the exact proof he required (v. 27). Jesus thought of future students beyond Thomas as well (v. 29).

13 What did Jesus do? A quick review . . .
He shattered cultural norms. He taught all of his students. He used proven pedagogical practices. He differentiated for the needs of his learners.

14 Now it’s your turn! Read John 4: Answer these questions:
1. What cultural barriers did Jesus shatter by associating with the woman at the well? 2. What made this woman at risk? 3. What "best practice" methods did Jesus use in his encounter with her? 4. How did he differentiate to meet her specific needs? 5. How did Jesus demonstrate his awareness of his larger audience/other students?

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