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Presentation on theme: "CHALLENGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIOURS HOW TO INTERVENE"— Presentation transcript:

Your club is working hard to develop a Positive Coaching culture, but occasionally individuals display behaviours that fall short of your expectations and the club culture, so, what do you do? Follow the three-step approach to challenging negative behaviour. STEP ONE: THE NON-VERBAL APPROACH Simply hand a card or leaflet to the individual that promotes how to display positive touchline behavior. Often a non-verbal approach avoids unnecessary confrontation and awkward conversations. It is important to note that quite often the individual will be unaware of their behaviour and will mean no harm. A nudge as to what is expected and some knowledge of how to positively support the game or their child may be enough. STEP TWO: GENTLE CONVERSATION Sometimes a non-verbal approach doesn't do the job and a conversation must be had. What is important is when you have the conversation, where you have it, as well as what you say. The last thing you want is a confrontation or to make the individual feel ridiculed. If appropriate have a quick word on the touchline without drawing anybody else’s attention to the situation. Keep calm, use a gentle tone but stay assertive in your club’s stance on touchline behaviour. If the situation isn’t resolved there and then and it merits a lengthier conversation, it’s best to have it out of earshot of the child and other parents. STEP THREE: OFFICIAL WARNING Unfortunately, bad touchline behaviour can have a detrimental effect on young players’ development, along with your club’s reputation so it cannot be allowed to go unchecked. When leaflets and conversations do not have the desired effect, official club warnings need to take effect. It is important to have a set system and guidelines in place at your club which outline what merits an official warning, who can issue one and what the consequences will be. Through the Positive Coaching programme and workshops you’ll also know how important it is to meet with parents at the beginning of a season and discuss with them the club ethos and expectations of everyone involved. Getting buy-in at this stage could save you any grievance through the season. Rate this tool! Give us your feedback.


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