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And the Plan of God.

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Presentation on theme: "And the Plan of God."— Presentation transcript:

1 and the Plan of God

2 Faith and choice 11:23-26 Faith and motivation 11:27-31 Faith’s victories 11:32-12:2

3 Faith and choice 11:23 The actions of Moses parents They hid him - action They were not afraid of the king’s edict - motivation

4 Faith and choice 11:23-26 The actions of Moses 11:24- Refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter Chose to be ill-treated with the people of God

5 Faith and motivation 11:27-31 (Spiritual Warfare)
Moses was motivated by who God is 11:27 Moses was motivated by what God has done 11:28 The people of God were motivated by divine direction 11:29

6 Faith and motivation 11:27-31 (Spiritual Warfare)
The people of God were motivated by obedience 11:30 Rahab was motivated by obedience to the revelations of the Power of God 11:31

7 Faith’s victories 11:32-12:2 Gideon – who defeated an army of 135,000 with an army of 300! (Judges 7:7 & 8:10) Barak – who defeated Sisera even though his faith was weak (Judges 4:6) Samson – who destroyed the Philistines despite his failures (Judges 16:30) Jephthah – who defeated the Ammonites despite his background (Judges 11:1) and unwise actions (Judges 11:31)

8 Faith’s victories 11:32-12:2 David who defeated Goliath against the logic of the day! ( 1 Samuel 17:33 & 41-44) Samuel who subdued the Philistines despite having no army! (1 Samuel 7:13) Many more unnamed examples!

9 Faith’s victories 11:32-12:2 We have an arena of witnesses 12:1
We have the motivation for service 12:1 We have the greatest example – the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. 12:2

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