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Post-Secondary Planning Information 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Post-Secondary Planning Information 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-Secondary Planning Information 2017

2 Checklist for Graduation
Timeline for: Grad credit checks, TVR Grad Planner Post-secondary planning Financial aid applications Application for PSI Admission Early Admissions Scholarships Transcripts

3 Life After Belmont Searching for Ideas: Career Cruising now XELLO
Work Experience Career Education – apprenticeship, dual credit opportunities Camosun Lync – Westshore Courses Travel Paid or Volunteer Work Latitude/GAP Year

4 Searching for Programs
– for programs and schools within BC – national and international programs and schools

5 University Versus College
Factors to Consider: Tuition Costs Class size Programs/Co-op Admissions process Transfer credits Entrance scholarships International programs Support Network Readiness to leave home

6 University Admission Requirements
Admissible courses – grade 12 academic courses (4 or 5 in Canada) Vary from one PSI to another Vary from program to program Early Admissions – based on grade 11 marks

7 College Admission Requirements
Program specific requirements Apply early Some programs have wait-lists

8 Additional application requirements
Supplementary applications Personal profile (Very important, take your time)

9 How to Apply Apply Online Need to know what program you want
Need credit card for application fee Need Provincial Education Number (PEN) Need to send transcript of marks through ministry secure student website

10 Deadlines There are application deadlines
They are sooner than you think!!!! Vary from one PSI to the next and from program to program Some schools base entrance scholarship decisions on early application deadlines

11 BC Applications Apply-BC
Central application service for BC post-secondary institutions Check the PSI of choice for application procedure

12 Alberta Applications Apply Alberta
Central application service for AB post-secondary institutions Check the PSI of choice for application procedure

13 Ontario Applications OUAC Ontario Universities’ Application Service

14 Transcript Requests Use Ministry Student Transcript Service
Fill out green form in Counselling Office Must be verified as “official” (Belmont Seal) Give 24 hours notice for request Sometimes must be mailed to institution – need your PSI student number

15 Self-reporting of grades
Many applications require that students “self-report” grades Enter grades for completed courses Predict grades of courses in progress The windows for self reporting are very important for admission and scholarship offers

16 Conditional Acceptance
Based on self-report and mid-term grades Offers of conditional acceptance in the spring Verified by final transcripts in July Final offers of admission in August Check ability to defer admission and defer scholarships

17 Other Considerations Allowed one English 12 rewrite within 12 months of first writing Students must verify timelines for completing DL course Students must ask their PSI about how dual credit courses are used in the admission process

18 Resources Belmont Counselling Website View books PSI Websites
Counsellors Teachers PSI Advisors/Recruiters November 20th BC PSI Fair

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