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What is a totalitarian state?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a totalitarian state?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a totalitarian state?
Question What is a totalitarian state?

2 A totalitarian state is a society which is contolled by a few powerful people where any criticism of the state isn’t allowed. For example Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe

3 What is a dictatorship?

4 A dictatorship is where one person holds absolute power for example Hitler

5 What’s the difference between Conservative and the Labour Party?

6 Labour Party believes in society sharing its wealth so they believe in a free NHS and schools which are paid for through people paying higher income tax. Conservatives believe in a society where people are free to spend their money where they wish and so income tax is lower. This means people pay for their NHS and schools (though some schools and health care is free for the poor).

7 In what way is the media politically powerful?

8 The media is powerful because it influences the way people vote as it’s the only way most people find out about politics and politicians. For example The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and The Daily Telegraph are all Conservative newspapers, so its readers tend to have conservative views on the UK. In contrast The Guardian and The Mirror are all Labour newspapers so their readers tend to think socialist views.

9 Which General Election was said have been won by a newspaper headline?
Question Which General Election was said have been won by a newspaper headline?

10 Answer The Sun newspaper in 1997 told its readers to vote for Tony Blair – Labour just days before the 1997 General Election. The Sun was traditionally Conservative but its new owner Rupert Murdoch had become friends with Tony Blair. It’s believed that most of The Sun’s readers decided to vote Labour, which helped end 18 years of Conservative rule

11 Identify as many ways people are politically socialised

12 Answer People learn about politics and what the values of each political party are through: The media The family Schools Their peers

13 Question Which is the most influential type of political socialisation?

14 Answer As you can imagine it could be any of the four areas identified in the previous slide. But the media is seen by some as the most powerful because of the points identified in the previous slides. But others argue it’s the family as your family is has a specific social class and your social class helps decide whether you vote Labour or Conservative because your parents might have a good job and so they want to pay lower income tax

15 Yet some people think a persons peer group is more influential as the people you mix with tell you what is or isn’t important so you might live on a poor estate like Kurt’s and so everyone wants free health-care and school so they would encourage you to vote Labour But schools are important as you might be taught by a lot of middle-class teachers who’s prefer to teach in private schools and so these teachers talk about the benefits of voting Conservative

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