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Appropriate Use of Instructional Technology in Physical Education

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1 Appropriate Use of Instructional Technology in Physical Education
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

2 Statistics In a recent study of families with children between ages 6 and 13… The average family home had 4 televisions 99% had a DVD player and/or VCR 88% had a video game console 85% had a computer More than half of the families studied also had internet access

3 Guideline 1 The use of instructional technology in physical education (or any other content area) is designed to provide a tool for increasing instructional effectiveness. Therefore, technology should be used only in conjunction with effective instruction. Forms of technology that can be used to enhance effectiveness Internet Podcasts Wikis Smart Boards

4 Guideline 2 The use of instructional technology in physical education (or any other content area) is designed to supplement, not substitute for effective instruction. Therefore, there should be instructional components along with the use of technology. Cardiograph App ($1.99) By placing your finger over the device’s camera, you can record your heartrate.

5 Guideline 3 The use of instructional technology in physical education (or any other content area) should provide opportunities for all students, versus opportunities for few. Using stations or groups (if there’s not enough computers or tablets for the entire class) Appeal to all learning styles Virtual Heart App (Free) Interactive view of the heart (provides an illustration for how it looks with different heart rates) The heart rate can be adjusted Used in conjunction with the cardiograph app allowing you to match the students heart rate with a visual illustration

6 Guideline 4 The use of instructional technology in physical education (or any other content area) can prove to be an effective tool for maintaining student data related to standards-based curriculum objectives. An efficient way to track data and measure improvement Enhances the relationship between the parent, the teacher, and the students Easy Assessment App (Free) Allows teachers to assess students using rubrics Allows teachers to import class lists through Dropbox or simply add students and classes manually Efficient way to gather evidence of student learning (could be shared with parents during conferences)

7 Works Cited Mears, D., Hansen, L., Fine, P., Lawler, P., Mason, K., & Richardson, C. (2009). Appropriate Use of Instructional Technology in Physical Education. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from ecurity/getfile&pageid=4679 Norman, D. (2013, January 25). Integrating Technology in PE. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from

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