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One vs. two production environments

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2 One vs. two production environments
Doubling the efforts – is splitting production environments worth it? Version 3.0 Add: 2 environments = operator verteilen sich auf die beiden env

3 Content Introduction What are the advantages of having two environments? What are the advantages of having only one environment? Conclusion

4 Introduction This presentation requires a basic understanding of a docWorks environment. If you are not familiar with this topic please have a look at the corresponding presentation (“01-dW_EnvironmentalStructure”) on our global site first.

5 Advantages having two environments

6 Just think of a situation like this…
Administration Just think of a situation like this… Nancy is glad she made that configuration change on her own. Steve is wondering who changed his configuration. Marc is pretty sure that Susan will take care of pool management. Susan is pretty sure that Marc will take care of pool management. OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Single environment

7 Administration A clear separation from an administrative point of view
OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Environment A Environment B

8 Critical failure handling
A critical failure in a single environment can mean a complete stop for the whole production. OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Single environment

9 Critical failure handling
Most critical failures will only affect one environment OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Environment A Environment B

10 Data management At some point the amount of data to be handled might become confusing (long project lists, large number of documents). Single environment

11 Data management Less amount of data to manage per environment
Applies also to other cases / locations, e.g. file system level, priorities and import in dW Control Center, etc. Environment A (document pool) Environment B (document pool)

12 Advantages having only one environment

13 Re-allocation of resources
Workload allocation Services Environment B Workload Services Environment A Workload Just think of a situation like this… Re-allocation of resources There are general prerequisites and tasks when it comes to the re-allocation of resources (see next slide)

14 Re-allocation of resources
General prerequisites Machines need to be in the same domain to avoid permission issues Network config may need to be adapted (soft and/or hardware) Local IT support required dW versions have to match to avoid corruption of documents Upgrade or downgrade may be necessary dW expert or CCS support required General tasks dW global config needs to be adapted to apply the change global.ini file to be adapted on all designated machines Local IT or CCS support required

15 Workload allocation Higher flexibility in load balancing
Significantly improved performance in production peak times Better prevention of bottle-necks Minimization of idle times Services Workload Single environment

16 Re-allocation of resources
Storage allocation Storage Environment B Capacity Storage Environment A Capacity The same might apply to the storage capacity… Re-allocation of resources Task Responsibility Prerequisites mentioned on slide #13 dW expert, local IT support, CCS support Creation of a re-allocation plan to avoid inaccessible pool documents dW expert or CCS support Adaption of file system and dW config to avoid data loss due to overwriting Revision of permission settings to avoid a non-operative environment local IT support or CCS support Creation of a roll-back plan to avoid data loss when splitting storages up again

17 Storage allocation Optimal storage allocation
Better prevention of bottlenecks Storage Capacity Single environment

18 Re-allocation of resources
Client assignment Post processing clients Environment A Projects Project A No. of documents Project B Project C 0% Idle time Environment B Projects No. of documents Post processing clients 66% Idle time Project D Project E Project F The same might apply to the client assignment… Re-allocation of resources All the general prerequisites and tasks mentioned on slide #13

19 Client assignment 0% Optimal client assignment
Better prevention of bottlenecks High operator flexibility for switching between different projects Single environment Post processing clients Projects Project A No. of documents Project B Project C 0% Idle time Project D Project E Project F

20 Configuration and monitoring
You would have to manage two configurations and two Control Centers in two environments. Environment A (Control Center) Environment B (Control Center)

21 Configuration and monitoring
Easier maintenance because everything is in one place Control Center Base configuration Single environment

22 Customizations and updates
OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Environment A Develop Implement Test Workflow customization Develop Implement Test OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Environment B Workflow customization Custom adaptions and updates need to be developed, implemented and tested on two environments.

23 Customizations and updates
Implementing customizations and performing updates in a single environment is more efficient A custom adaption or update running fine on one environment may run into trouble on another one requiring intensive troubleshooting OUT POOL IN dW Client Project config Global config dW DB dW Share Services Clients Develop Implement Test Workflow customization Single environment

24 Cost aspects Generally an additional environment will be charged because of setup and support efforts (see also slides #19 – 22).

25 One production environment (pros) Two production environments (pros)
Summary One production environment (pros) Two production environments (pros) Higher flexibility in load balancing Clear administrative separation Easier maintenance Less impact from critical failures Adaptions can be applied more efficiently Easier data management Less acquisition and maintenance cost

26 Conclusion Either option (whether one or two environments) has its pros and cons Which solution works best for you depends on Your general preference for centralization / decentralization The way your staff is organized / working The amount of projects and data in general that you have to handle For starting it is most likely a good idea to start with one environment. Expanding is still possible later on.

27 Questions + answers

28 Contact docWorks Technic Team CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH
Weidestr. 134 22083 Hamburg Germany CCS website: CCS information and support center:

29 Disclaimer All of the information in this document is the property of CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH (CCS). It may NOT, under any circumstances, be distributed, transmitted, copied, or displayed without the written permission of CCS. The information contained in this document has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing information about theme described in the following title. The material herein contained has been prepared in good faith; however, CCS disclaims any obligation or warranty as to its accuracy and/or suitability for any usage or purpose other than that for which it is intended. © CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH, 2015


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