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Dealing with Distress.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with Distress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with Distress

2 Introduction Who is this material for Exclusions -immediate risk
-influence of substances

3 Crisis is an opportunity for change…
Identifying gaps is coping skills/maladaptive coping Learning and implementing new skills Integration requires practice practice practice

4 History is a good predictor of future behaviour
Recent history of crisis situations provides invaluable information about a person's emotional and behavioural reactions to crises

5 Relationship Project Match Attributes of relationship
Validation & empathy Role plays

6 States of Mind Emotion Mind Wise Reasonable Mind

7 Reintroducing the Wave
Factors that lead to emotional distress Why is knowing about the wave helpful?

8 Maladaptive Coping Strategies
Survival skills learnt early Become habits They work but…. No longer useful as an adult

9 Dealing with Distress Strategies
Crisis survival strategies: Distraction Self soothing Pros & cons These strategies help us get through difficult feelings, to tolerate the things we can't immediately change The objective is to find skills that work for you, to practice them until they are part of your everyday life and you can use the, whenever you need them

10 Distract brief respite from the distress
Activities: to get involved with and distract from distress i.e. Hobbies Contributing: Takes you away from your pain and puts your attention on someone else i.e volunteer work etc Comparisons: compare to someone doing the same as you or less well i.e compare yourself to others suffering Opposite Emotions: read, watch or listen to things that have an emotion opposite to one you are feeling i.e if you are sad or angry watch comedy Pushing Away: push away a distressing situation leaving it mentally Build an Imaginary Wall: block the situation in your mind, each time it comes up tell it to go away or put some ugly in its place Other Thoughts: effective in an emergency i.e counting to 10, stars Other Sensations: strong stimulus can shake connection to pain i.e hold ice cube, rubber band on wrist, loud music, hot shower

11 Self Soothing Techniques: Be mindful of your senses
Vision: give all your attention to nature, art, flower etc Hearing: give all your attention to beautiful soothing music, sounds of nature Smell: Give all your attention to different smells around you i.e bread Taste: give all your attention & mindfully taste i.e. Hot chocolate Touch: Give all your attention to the feel

12 Pros & Cons of tolerating vs not tolerating distress

13 Practice, integrate, automatic
Difficult to learn and new coping strategies Requires practice practice practice Objective is to identify what doesn't work as well as what does Look at motivational techniques

14 New skills require practice
Strategy Distress before Distress after

15 Managing a Crisis…. Objectives: - To reduce emotional distress
To replace maladaptive strategies with effective coping strategies To build competence in dealing with distress Partnership Collaborative Recognising automatic use of established patterns of behaviour during a crisis Crisis Management Plan

16 Crisis Management Plan
Document Role of professional is to coach Crisis management plan is living document that needs to be adopted through praxis

17 My Crisis Plan When I am in crisis and feel like , I will attempt a distraction strategy , and then a self soothe Skill . If I still feel in crisis I will then contact ,

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