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Early attempts at Virtual Reality (VR) in history

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1 Early attempts at Virtual Reality (VR) in history
Presented by Irem Alkut From Plato to Twitter: A history of influence, media and public opinion Professor Spector

2 How Brands use VR as a PR tactic - Marriott Hotel
A virtual honeymoon by Marriott Hotel that uses Oculus Rift VR headset to transport newly-wed couples from NYC to Hawaii.

3 Panoramic Paintings in the 19th century
The first panoramic painting by Irish Painter Robert Parker. (1) “The Panorama” of Edinburgh

4 Panoramic Paintings As a Communication Tool
Panoramic paintings used to depict landscapes, historical events, the battle scenes. Battle of Borodino, 1812

5 Panoramic Paintings As a Communication Tool
Panoramas became a popular form of entertainment in the mid-19th century. Henri Philippoteaux’s depicted an event in the Franco-Prussian war (1870) with his Siege of Paris painting. (1) His son Paul painted the panorama The Battle of Gettysburg (1883)

6 Stereoscopic Photos in the 19th century
First stereoscopic photo invented by Charles Wheatstone in (1) (2) He showed that when two images are viewed stereoscopically, they are combined in the brain to produce 3D depth perception.

7 Stereoscopes in the 19th century
They became popular form of entertainment and leisure time activity in the 19th century.

8 Stereoscopic Photo Examples from the 19th century
When combined into a GIF *Sumo wrestlers : Taken by T.Enami in the late 19th century in Japan

9 Stereoscopic Photos as a Communication Tool
Stereoscope was used in the medical field for educational purposes in the 19th century. (1) Stereo cards introduced viewers to medical conditions, human anatomy, and medical procedures. Holmes-style stereoscope with a collection of dermatological stereo cards in the late 19th century.

10 Stereoscopic Photos As a Communication Tool
Doctors also used stereo cards at the bottom of the descriptive pages to illustrate how to perform certain procedures. A page within Dr. James Case’s Stereo Roentgenography of the Alimentary Tract (1914), providing an example of the proper way to perform a vertical roentgenoscopy.

11 The impact of Stereoscopic Photos in Today’s VR technology
Google Cardboard and VR head mounted displays uses the design principles of the Stereoscope.

12 Thank you!

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