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The old New Media: an historical perspective on Virtual Reality.

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1 The old New Media: an historical perspective on Virtual Reality.
Tobias Bowman, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine 25 Jan 2016



4 Definition of Virtual Reality
Temporal and technological: A technology developed in the late 60s, comprising a head mounted display, connected to a computer, and presenting to the user 3D computer- generated images which move with them in order to create an illusion of immersion.

5 The first Virtual Reality: Ivan Sutherland’s Sword of Damocles in 1968.

6 Pix-Elation, 10 (1994), p 7. This ad offers a “low-cost” headset for $1,995.


8 Jaron Lanier, wearing a VPL DataGlove and HMD in 1989.




12 “HARSH REALITY IS THAT VIRTUAL REALITY COULD CAUSE PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE” Headline – Newswire, 2 June 1995. “Virtual Boy is a Virtual Snore” Headline – Hamilton Spectator, 21 September 1995. “Nintendo’s Virtual Boy is a reality (with flaws)” – Waterloo Region Record, 14 December 1995. “Virtual Boy creates trouble” Headline – Winnipeg Free Press, 2 April 1996. “Virtual Boy developer to quit” Headline – New York Times, 15 August 1996.

13 Medical student using VR for training in 2000.

14 Sony Glasstron HMD, 1999/2000.

15 “Virtual Reality comes home” – Peterborough Examiner, 18 Jan 2014.
“United States Augmented and Virtual Reality Market to Surge” – TechSci Research, 22 January 2014. “The future of media and entertainment is not going to be a 2D screen” – PR NewsWire, 11 August 2014. “Virtual reality is going to shape the future of media”, Eric Williams, US Fed News, 2 November 2015

16 Sony’s new virtual reality headset, PlayStation VR, goes on sale this year.

17 ?

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