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raamkalee mehlaa teejaa, anand

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1 raamkalee mehlaa teejaa, anand
rwmklI mhlw 3 Anµdu Raamkalee, Third Mehla, Anand ~ The Song Of Bliss: raamkalee mehlaa teejaa, anand

2 ik ounkaar satgur prasaad
<> siqgur pRswid ] One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ik ounkaar satgur prasaad

3 anand bheyiaa meree maae, satguroo mai paaeyiaa
Anµdu BieAw myrI mwey siqgurU mY pwieAw ] I am in ecstasy, O my mother, for I have found my True Guru. anand bheyiaa meree maae, satguroo mai paaeyiaa

4 satgur taa paaeyiaa sehaj setee, man vajeeaa vaadhaaeeaa
siqguru q pwieAw shj syqI min vjIAw vwDweIAw ] I have found the True Guru, with intuitive ease, and my mind vibrates with the music of bliss. satgur taa paaeyiaa sehaj setee, man vajeeaa vaadhaaeeaa

5 raag ratan parvaar pareeaa, shabad gaavan aaeeyaa
rwg rqn prvwr prIAw sbd gwvx AweIAw ] The jewelled melodies and their related celestial harmonies have come to sing the Word of the Shabad. raag ratan parvaar pareeaa, shabad gaavan aaeeyaa

6 shabado taa gaavho haree keraa, man jinee vasaaeyiaa
sbdo q gwvhu hrI kyrw min ijnI vswieAw ] The Lord dwells within the minds of those who sing the Shabad. shabado taa gaavho haree keraa, man jinee vasaaeyiaa

7 kehai naanak anand hoyaa, satguroo mai paaeyiaa.1.
khY nwnku Anµdu hoAw siqgurU mY pwieAw ]1] Says Nanak, I am in ecstasy, for I have found my True Guru. ||1|| kehai naanak anand hoyaa, satguroo mai paaeyiaa.1.

8 eh man meriyaa, too sadaa raho har naale
ey mn myirAw qU sdw rhu hir nwly ] O my mind, remain always with the Lord. eh man meriyaa, too sadaa raho har naale

9 har naal raho too mann mere, dookh sabh visaarnaa
hir nwil rhu qU mMn myry dUK siB ivswrxw ] Remain always with the Lord, O my mind, and all sufferings will be forgotten. har naal raho too mann mere, dookh sabh visaarnaa

10 angeekaar ohho kare teraa, kaaraj sabh savaarnaa
AMgIkwru Ehu kry qyrw kwrj siB svwrxw ] He will accept You as His own, and all your affairs will be perfectly arranged. angeekaar ohho kare teraa, kaaraj sabh savaarnaa

11 sabhnaa galaa samrat suaamee so kiyo manho visaare
sBnw glw smrQu suAwmI so ikau mnhu ivswry ] Our Lord and Master is all-powerful to do all things, so why forget Him from your mind? sabhnaa galaa samrat suaamee so kiyo manho visaare

12 kehai naanak mann mere, sadaa raho har naale.2.
khY nwnku mMn myry sdw rhu hir nwly ]2] Says Nanak, O my mind, remain always with the Lord. ||2|| kehai naanak mann mere, sadaa raho har naale.2.

13 saache saahibaa kiyaa naahee ghar terai
swcy swihbw ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ] O my True Lord and Master, what is there which is not in Your celestial home? saache saahibaa kiyaa naahee ghar terai

14 ghar taa terai sabh kichh hai, jis dehe so paave
Gir q qyrY sBu ikCu hY ijsu dyih su pwvey ] Everything is in Your home; they receive, unto whom You give. ghar taa terai sabh kichh hai, jis dehe so paave

15 sadaa siphat salaah teree, naam man vasaave
sdw isPiq slwh qyrI nwmu min vswvey ] Constantly singing Your Praises and Glories, Your Name is enshrined in the mind. sadaa siphat salaah teree, naam man vasaave

16 naam jin kai man vasiyaa, vaaje shabad ghanere
nwmu ijn kY min visAw vwjy sbd Gnyry ] The divine melody of the Shabad vibrates for those, within whose minds the Naam abides. naam jin kai man vasiyaa, vaaje shabad ghanere

17 kehai naanak sache saahib, kiyaa naahee ghar terai.3.
khY nwnku scy swihb ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]3] Says Nanak, O my True Lord and Master, what is there which is not in Your home? ||3|| kehai naanak sache saahib, kiyaa naahee ghar terai.3.

18 saachaa naam meraa aadhaaro
swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ] The True Name is my only support. saachaa naam meraa aadhaaro

19 saach naam adhaar meraa, jin bhukhaa sabh gavaaeeaa
swcu nwmu ADwru myrw ijin BuKw siB gvweIAw ] The True Name is my only support; it satisfies all hunger. saach naam adhaar meraa, jin bhukhaa sabh gavaaeeaa

20 kar saant sukh man aae vasiyaa, jin ichhaa sabh pujaaeeaa
kir sWiq suK min Awie visAw ijin ieCw siB pujweIAw ] It has brought peace and tranquillity to my mind; it has fulfilled all my desires. kar saant sukh man aae vasiyaa, jin ichhaa sabh pujaaeeaa

21 sadaa kurbaan keetaa guroo vitho, jis deeaa ehhe vaddiyaaeeaa
sdw kurbwxu kIqw gurU ivthu ijs dIAw eyih vifAweIAw ] I am forever a sacrifice to the Guru, who possesses such glorious greatness. sadaa kurbaan keetaa guroo vitho, jis deeaa ehhe vaddiyaaeeaa

22 kehai naanak sunho santho shabad dharho piyaaro
khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu sbid Drhu ipAwro ] Says Nanak, listen, O Saints; enshrine love for the Shabad. kehai naanak sunho santho shabad dharho piyaaro

23 saachaa naam meraa aadhaaro.4.
swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ]4] The True Name is my only support. ||4|| saachaa naam meraa aadhaaro.4.

24 vaaje panch shabad, thith ghar sabhaagai
vwjy pMc sbd iqqu Gir sBwgY ] The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, vibrate in that blessed house. vaaje panch shabad, thith ghar sabhaagai

25 ghar sabhaagai shabad vaaje, kalaa jit ghar dhaareeaa
Gir sBwgY sbd vwjy klw ijqu Gir DwrIAw ] In that blessed house, the Shabad vibrates; He infuses His almighty power into it. ghar sabhaagai shabad vaaje, kalaa jit ghar dhaareeaa

26 panch doot tudh vas keete, kaal kanttak maariyaa
pMc dUq quDu vis kIqy kwlu kMtku mwirAw ] Through You, we subdue the five demons of desire, and slay Death, the torturer. panch doot tudh vas keete, kaal kanttak maariyaa

27 dhur karam paaeyiaa tudh jin ko, se naam har kai laage
Duir krim pwieAw quDu ijn kau is nwim hir kY lwgy ] Those who have such pre-ordained destiny are attached to the Lord's Name. dhur karam paaeyiaa tudh jin ko, se naam har kai laage

28 kehai naanak teh sukh hoyaa, thith ghar anhad vaaje.5.
khY nwnku qh suKu hoAw iqqu Gir Anhd vwjy ]5] Says Nanak, they are at peace, and the unstruck sound current vibrates within their homes. ||5|| kehai naanak teh sukh hoyaa, thith ghar anhad vaaje.5.

29 anand sunho vaddbhaageeho, sagal manorath poore
Andu suxhu vfBwgIho sgl mnorQ pUry ] Listen to the song of bliss, O most fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled. anand sunho vaddbhaageeho, sagal manorath poore

30 paarbrahm prabh paaeyiaa utre sagal visoore
pwrbRhmu pRBu pwieAw auqry sgl ivsUry ] I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows have been forgotten. paarbrahm prabh paaeyiaa utre sagal visoore

31 dookh rog santaap utre, sunnee sachee baanee
dUK rog sMqwp auqry suxI scI bwxI ] Pain, illness and suffering have departed, listening to the True Bani. dookh rog santaap utre, sunnee sachee baanee

32 sant saajan bheye sarse, poore gur te jaanee
sMq swjn Bey srsy pUry gur qy jwxI ] The Saints and their friends are in ecstasy, knowing the Perfect Guru. sant saajan bheye sarse, poore gur te jaanee

33 sunte puneet kehete pavit, satgur rehiyaa bharpoore
suxqy punIq khqy pivqu siqguru rihAw BrpUry ] Pure are the listeners, and pure are the speakers; the True Guru is all-pervading and permeating. sunte puneet kehete pavit, satgur rehiyaa bharpoore

34 binvant naanak gur charan laage vaaje anhad toore.40.1.
ibnvMiq nwnku gur crx lwgy vwjy Anhd qUry ]40]1] Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet, the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1|| binvant naanak gur charan laage vaaje anhad toore.40.1.

35 sloku ] Salok: salok

36 pavan guroo paanee pitaa maataa dhurat mehut
pvxu gurU pwxI ipqw mwqw Driq mhqu ] Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all. pavan guroo paanee pitaa maataa dhurat mehut

37 divus raat due daaee daaeiaa khelai sagal jagat
idvsu rwiq duie dweI dwieAw KylY sgl jgqu ] Day and night are the two nurses, in whose lap all the world is at play. divus raat due daaee daaeiaa khelai sagal jagat

38 changiaaeeaa bariaaeeaa vaachai dharam hadoor
cMigAweIAw buirAweIAw vwcY Drmu hdUir ] Good deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of Dharma. changiaaeeaa bariaaeeaa vaachai dharam hadoor

39 karmee aapo aapnee ke nerrai ke door
krmI Awpo AwpxI ky nyVY ky dUir ] According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away. karmee aapo aapnee ke nerrai ke door

40 jinee naam dhiaaeiaa geye masakat ghaal
ijnI nwmu iDAwieAw gey mskiq Gwil ] Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows jinee naam dhiaaeiaa geye masakat ghaal

41 naanak te mukh ujle ketee chhuttee naal.1.
nwnk qy muK aujly kyqI CutI nwil ]1] -O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! ||1|| naanak te mukh ujle ketee chhuttee naal.1.

42 too taakur tum pehe ardaas. jee-o pindd sabh teree raas.
You are our Lord and Master; to You, I offer this prayer. This body and soul are all Your property. tum maat pitaa ham baarik tere. tumree kripaa meh sookh ghaney-re. You are our mother and father; we are Your children. In Your Grace, there are so many joys! ko-e naa jaanai tumraa ant. ooche te oochaa bhagvant. No one knows Your limits. O Highest of the High, Most Generous God, sagal samagree tumrai sootr dhaaree. tum te ho-e so aagi-aa-kaaree. The whole creation is strung on Your thread. That which has come from You is under Your Command. tumree gat mit tum hee jaanee. naanak daas sadaa kurbaanee You alone know Your state and extent. Nanak, Your slave, is forever a sacrifice. ||8||4|| (Ang 268, SGGS)

43 As was ordained by the Timeless, thus was established the path (Panth)
As was ordained by the Timeless, thus was established the path (Panth). To all Sikhs, let this be the order, recognise the ‘Holy Granth’ as your Guru. Dohira: aagi-aa bhe-ee akaal kee, tabai chal-aa-o panth. sabh sikhan ko hukam hai, guroo maani-o granth.

44 The reverend Guru Granth is the visible body of the Gurus
The reverend Guru Granth is the visible body of the Gurus. Those that seek to have union with God should delve the Divine Hymns of the Shabad Guru. guroo granth jee maani-o, pragat guraa kee deh. jo prabh ko mil-bo ch-hai, khoj shabad mil leh.

45 The Sikh people shall remain free and sovereign, always, non-challenging this position. For, all shall realise, after bitter frustration, that there is no redemption except in the way of the life that the Khalsa upholds! raaj karega khaalsa, aakee r-hai naa ko-e. kvaar ho-e sabh milehn-ge, bache sharan jo ho-e.

46 “Those who respond shall be blessed”: True is the Immortal Lord
“Those who respond shall be blessed”: True is the Immortal Lord ! The Khalsa belongs to God and to Him the victory, always and forever. “bole so ni-haal”: sat siree akaal! vaaheguroo jee ka khaalsa, vaaheguroo jee kee fateh.

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