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I’m here today to tell you a story about a simple yet effective program for community engagement. It’s a program that links the Jewish values, as expressed.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m here today to tell you a story about a simple yet effective program for community engagement. It’s a program that links the Jewish values, as expressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 My name is Daniel Bader, and I’m the board chair of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.

2 I’m here today to tell you a story about a simple yet effective program for community engagement. It’s a program that links the Jewish values, as expressed in our sacred texts, with developing a sustainable environment.

3 It is forbidden to live in a town that does not have a green garden.
Jerusalem Talmud, Kiddushin 4:12 This program turns the values of tikkun olam into actions that make a real difference. Consider a synagogue that develops a community garden. On dry days, they water their garden with collected rainwater instead of municipal tap water. They serve their home-grown produce at synagogue events, eliminating the need for purchased food. The abstract concept of tikkun olam becomes a reality as the synagogue avoids packaging, transportation, water filtration and other activities that have a negative impact on the environment.

4 This is J-WISE, the Jewish Wisconsin Initiative for a Sustainable Environment. Or – if you live in a community that happens to start with a letter other than W – Jewish Wisdom for Investing in a Sustainable Environment.

5 Action Study J-WISE brings together organizations from throughout the community to learn about the values of environmental stewardship through our sacred texts. Then these organizations translate what they have learned into action. They take specific, meaningful steps to create a more sustainable environment.

6 Here’s how the program works
Here’s how the program works. Each participating organization will select an area of focus such as energy efficiency, recycling, green cleaning, green purchasing and sustainable eating. They will commit to achieving a sustainability goal for the year, gather to study relevant texts and work together to achieve their goals. Organizations pursue their individual paths but also come together with other participating organizations for group programs about sustainability and the Jewish value of tikkun olam.

7 Here’s how you can launch J-WISE in your community
Here’s how you can launch J-WISE in your community. Start by recruiting some enthusiastic co-chairs, perhaps one who is passionate about the environment and one that is passionate about Jewish study or education. Work with them to recruit organizations to participate. Recruitment will be easy. In the Milwaukee area, virtually every single Jewish organization—from pre-schools to the Jewish Home—has signed up to participate. Each organization will create a J-WISE small team of three to five people who will manage the program within their organization.

8 Host a kick-off event. In the first half, a rabbi or community educator will discuss the value of tikkun olam and how it is expressed as environmental stewardship in our sacred texts. The second part of the event will be a planning session where organizations meet with their own teams to create sustainability goals and plans for their organizations. We provide the resources for textual study and for sustainability, as well as a planning document to help organizations achieve their goals.

9 Consider a few ways this may work
Consider a few ways this may work. Imagine a synagogue is undergoing an energy audit with the goal of reducing energy consumption and saving money at the same time. How about Jewish schools exploring cooperative purchasing of green products to improve the environment while keeping costs down. Or a community organization that evaluates options for lighting that will cut down on energy usage. Note that all of these options increase sustainability while cutting costs at the same time.

10 What’s really special about J-WISE is that, as an engagement program, it’s a home run. It’s a simple, turnkey program. The Federation is responsible for recruitment, sharing resources and a holding a launch event. Once the program is up and running, organizations manage the process for themselves with little oversight required by the Federation. The materials you’ll need have already been developed, and only minimal staff time is required. Best of all, no funding is needed. No allocations, no grants, no solicitations.

11 The program also has universal appeal to all types of people
The program also has universal appeal to all types of people. J-WISE attracts people of all ages and all levels of observance, those affiliated with synagogues and those who are not, those well-versed in Judaism and those with no formal Jewish education, newcomers and those who have lived in your community for generations.

12 J-WISE also attracts all types of institutions
J-WISE also attracts all types of institutions. Synagogues across the spectrum of observance, agencies that are funded by the Federation and agencies that are unaffiliated with Federation. J-WISE helps demonstrate positive leadership by the Federation – that you are able to convene all of the different parts of your community in a way that no other organization can.

13 So if you’re interested in a simple, universally appealing program for community engagement that translates our Jewish values into a more sustainable environment, J-WISE may be right for you.


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