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Facility Operating Standards CC of C Project Report

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1 Facility Operating Standards CC of C Project Report
BM&A June, 2013

2 Background 2012 decision to determine the level of interest in a national facility operating standards program supported by CC of C AIPC Standards were recommended as being most relevant and accessible; origins in BC 3 project components: Determine interest level of individual centres Provide program materials and orientation Brief management teams/ launch program

3 A brief overview of what the standards are…..
and are not!

4 Why Invest in Standards Programs?
Completing a standards process offers opportunity to: Review all areas of operations Define gaps in performance Highlight performance successes Market to client base that standards have been achieved

5 Centres Have a Challenge:
They operate in isolation (one per destination) Benchmarking against other centres /destinations difficult No clear industry specific standards

6 Responding to Stakeholders
Need to be able to demonstrate a level of performance to owners Need to provide clients with confidence Need to create a market advantage

7 Variety of Standards Exist
ISO 9001, 9014, new 20121 BOMA, LEEDS APEX However: Many are generic, expensive to implement and support

8 The AIPC QS Model Is “process” rather than prescriptive
Based on having developed policies and processes in place for key areas Various levels based on the degree of implementation Self audit determines if a centre is “walking the talk” External auditor provides credibility

9 Key Management Areas Addressed
Owners Perspective; e.g. financial integrity Client’s Perspective; e.g. quality of facility and operations Internal Perspective; e.g. employee relations Community Perspective; e.g. CSR


11 Program Benefits Documents Existing Achievements
Provides a team building exercise Identifies potential areas for improvement Provides international/national recognition Can be used in marketing materials Leverage marketing through AIPC and CC of C

12 Experiences of the Participating Centres
Audit process was straightforward Having “champion” helped drive process Most already had documentation for key areas so did not need to develop new policies, procedures or documents Found additional benefits in staff engagement

13 “The outcome of this review is unquestionably a very positive experience and has provided a framework for continuous and sustained improvement.” Pat Kelly, President

14 CC of C Project Approach
3 Options for members: AIPC members can proceed with formal AIPC accreditation CC of C members can join AIPC and proceed with formal accreditation CC of C members can utilize the AIPC template and complete an internal audit

15 Project Status Member centres have been provided with program materials and a series of briefings on the best approach and methodology Significant interest and understanding of the benefits of the program

16 Project Summary Results
7 Centres are now underway 4 Centres have completed the AIPC Audit – Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Quebec city 6 Centres have indicated future interest 3 Centres have not responded

17 Next Steps Continue to provide support to member centres
Determine means of recognition for CC of C members who have completed the process

18 Facility Operating Standards CC of C Project Report
BM&A June, 2013

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