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Skills Development Act

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1 Skills Development Act
Act 97 of 1998 Amendment Bill 2008 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

2 Accelerate the delivery of scarce and critical skills
PURPOSE OF BILL Accelerate the delivery of scarce and critical skills Support national economic growth initiatives such as ASGI-SA and JIPSA. Aligned to the National Industrial Policy Framework, thereby ensuring alignment between skills development policy and economic growth policy. More flexible and broadened policy framework 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

Strengthening the further implementation Employment Services Promotion and development of artisans. Transfer of the provisions the Manpower Training Act 1981 in respect of apprenticeships and repeal MTA Establishment of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Clarifying legal status of the National Skills Fund Clarifying legal status of Productivity South Africa 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

4 Section 2: Purposes of Act
Additional implementing structures: Provincial Offices of DoL Accredited trade test centres Skills Development Institutes Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Skills Development Forum in each province A National Artisan Moderating body Productivity South Africa 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

5 Section 23: Employment Services
Clarifies and empowers work of the provincial offices and regional labour centres in relation to the employment services Placement opportunities for employment services system = vacancies, learning, self-employment or community service 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

6 Chapter 6A – Artisan Development
Accelerated development of artisans Transfer last provisions of MTA 1981 Section 26A – National Artisan Moderating Body Section 26B – Listing of Trades Section 26C – National Register of Artisans Section 26D – Trade Tests 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

7 Chapter 6B/Section 26E Skills Development Institutes
Major weakness is growing lack of capacity in the country of training provision Minister given powers to possibly establish and contribute resources to public and/or private institutions to ensure that there is national capacity Could be Institutes of Sectoral or Occupational Excellence (ISOE) 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

8 Chapter 6C – Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
Establish the QCTO) as a juristic person Joint Policy Statement on the Review of the National Qualifications Framework Compliments DoE Bills National Qualifications Framework Bill 2008 Higher Education Act Amendment Bill 2008 General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act Amendment Bill 2008. Centralization of quality assurance of work based or occupational learning. 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

9 Chapter 6D – Workplace Productivity & Competitiveness
Section 26K – Establish PSA (ex NPI) Section 26L – Functions of PSA Research Section 26M – Financing PSA Section 26N – Provision to make regulations 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

10 National Skills Fund Section 28: Use of Money in Fund
Currently a maximum of two (2) percent of the money received from the skills development levy is used to administer the fund Requires a more flexible approach to allow the Minister to prescribe the limit of funds that could be used to administer the fund. Strategic framework that is developed by the NSA will determine limit. 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

11 National Skills Fund Section 29: Control and Administration of Fund
NSF must account for and report on revenues received and disbursed as an entity on its own, separate from the Department of Labour reporting mechanisms Requires PFMA Schedule 3a Public Entity Director General remains in charge of the NSF but as the Accounting Authority and not Accounting Officer Fiduciary duties remain with the Director General of Labour. 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

12 Addition to empower for provinces:
Section 36: Regulations Addition to empower for provinces: The Minister may, after consulting with the NSA, make regulations regarding the establishment of skills development forums in respect of each provincial office and specifying the operation, composition and functions of the forums; 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

13 Schedule 2A – Transitional Provisions
Contracts of apprenticeship Listing of designated artisan trades Date of coming into operation of QCTO Continuation of accreditation of SETAs and providers by SAQA NPI transition to PSA 7 May 2008 SD Amendment Bill 2008

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