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Kingdom Protista.

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1 Kingdom Protista

2 Protists Protists are eukaryotes that aren’t members of the animal, plant or fungi kingdoms Protists were probably the first types of eukaryotes on Earth Most are made up of only a single cell

3 Protists Though difficult to classify because they are very different from one another, there are three types of protists 1. Animal-like: heterotrophic (need food) 2. Plant-like: autotrophic (can make their own food) 3. Fungus-like: heterotrophic decomposers

4 Animal-like Protists Zooflagellates: move using flagella
Trichomonas vaginalis

5 Animal-like Protists Sarcodines: use pseudopodia “false feet” to move and engulf food. Amoeba proteus

6 Animal-like Protists Ciliates: use hair-like projections called cilia for feeding and movement.

7 Animal-like Protists Sporozoans: do not move on their own and are parasitic The protist Plasmodium is carried by the Anopheles mosquito and causes the often fatal disease Malaria

8 Plant-like Protists Contain chloroplasts, like plants, but can often move around and have different types of cell walls or no cells walls at all. Diatoms

9 Plant-like Protists Euglena Algae

10 Fungus-like Protists Absorb nutrients from dead or decaying matter, but don’t have the same cell walls. Yellow Slime Mold

11 Kingdom Animalia

12 Kingdom Animalia Animals are made of many eukaryotic cells that do not have cell walls They are heterotrophic They must do the following: Eat Take in oxygen Circulate nutrients within their bodies Excrete waste Respond to the environment Show movement Reproduce

13 Kingdom Animalia Complex animals show cell specialization and internal organization. Cell  Tissue  Organ  Organ System

14 Kingdom Animalia With the exception of sponges, animals show some sort of body symmetry.

15 Kingdom Animalia Radial symmetry: the body can be divided in half through the middle in a number of ways, like spokes on a bicycle wheel Sunstar

16 Kingdom Animalia Bilateral symmetry: the body can only be divided in _____ way in order to have equal halves. Butterfly

17 Kingdom Animalia Annelid Worms
Worms that have their bodies broken into segments. Do not have bones Have a simple digestive tract May be hermaphroditic Ex.) Earthworms

18 Kingdom Animalia Insects
Have segmented bodies that are divided into three parts-head, thorax, and abdomen Have an exoskeleton Usually undergo a metamorphosis at some stage in their life cycle (caterpillar to butterfly) Communicate with each other using chemicals called pheromones (Ants following each other in a trail) Many live in large groups called societies

19 Kingdom Animalia Insects A trail of ants

20 Kingdom Animalia Amphibians Has a backbone
Spends a least part of its life cycle in the water and part on land Has lungs as an adult Has moist skin, but no scales or claws Lays eggs in water (Tadpole to frog) Ex.)Salamanders, Toads and frogs

21 Kingdom Animalia

22 Kingdom Animalia Mammals Females have mammary glands that produce milk
Breathe air Have hair Four chambered hearts Generate body heat Appeared in the fossil record about 200 million years ago

23 Kingdom Animalia Mammal Oddities
Monotremes, like the duckbill platypus lay eggs. Marsupials, like kangaroos, give birth to underdeveloped young that then complete development in a pouch.

24 Kingdom Animalia Platypus

25 Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotic Cells have cell walls Mostly multicellular
Heterotrophic Must absorb nutrients to obtain energy

26 Kingdom Fungi Bread Yeast Examples: Amantia muscaria Candida molds

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