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Energy Based Acoustic Source Localization

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1 Energy Based Acoustic Source Localization
Xiaohong Sheng, Yu-Hen Hu University of Wisconsin – Madison Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering Madison, WI 53706

2 Sensor Network Collaborative Signal Processing
Sensor network is a novel signal processing platform Characteristics of sensor network Limited communication bandwidth Low power operation Collaborative signal processing is necessary Detection Classification Localization Tracking Sitex 02 experiment sensir field

3 UWCSP: Univ. Wisconsin Collaborative Signal Processing
Node Detection Distributed Signal Processing Paradigm (Local) Node signal processing Energy Detection Node target classification (Global) Region signal processing Region detection and classification fusion Energy based localization Kalman filter tracking Hand-off policy Node Classi- fication The UWCSP architecture and a Matlab implementation will be presented along a poster paper by Marco F. Duarte this afternoon.

4 General Localization Approach
Physical Model Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) Direction of Arrival (DOA) Received Signal Strength (Energy) Algorithm Linear Bayesian Estimation ML estimation Non-Linear Bayesian Estimation Particle Filter Least Square Estimation norm p, p=2 ,… Energy-based Approach Use signal strength (Model) Easier to measure no need to compute phase Less communication burden: one energy measurement per thousands of time samples Less computation burden: fast algorithm is available.

5 Existing Energy-based Acoustic Source Localization Methods
2d CPA Method (CPA): Compare sensor energy readings within the region. Use sensor locations that yields maximum reading as the target location (with a small perturbation) Energy-Ratio Nonlinear Least Square (ER-NLS) Method: Take pair-wise ratio of acoustic energy readings. The potential target location then will be restricted to a hyper-circle in the sensor field. With all pair-wise energy ratios taken, a nonlinear least square solution to the target location can be sought. Energy-Ratio, Least Square (ER-LS) Method: The nonlinear least square problem can be further simplified into a least square problem with non-iterative solution. Dan Li, Yu Hen Hu, “Energy-based collaborative source localization using acoustic microsensor array”, EURASIP J. On Applied Signal Processing, 2003:4, pp

6 Model of Acoustic Energy Measurements
Source Energy attenuates at a rate that is inversely proportional to the Square of the distance to the source Energy Received by each Sensor is the Sum of the Decayed Source Energy gi: gain factor of the microphone Sk(t): energy emitted by the kth source k(t) Source K’s location during time interval t. ri: sensor location of the ith sensor i(t): perturbation term that summarizes the net effects of background additive noise and the parameter modeling error.

7 Notations Let be the Euclidean distance between sensor i and target j, and Also define and Then, the energy attenuation model can be represented as:

8 Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation Problem Formulation
Likelihood function Log-Likelihood Function Parameters Need at least k(p+1) sensors, p is the dimension of the location Non-linear optimization problem!

9 Projection Solution Set Modified Likelihood Cost Function
Insert the result to get the modified function: is the Reduced SVD of H is the Projection Matrix of H

10 EM-like Iterative Solution
Set and substitute results into the modified likelihood function to solve for EM-like iterative solution: Assume S, estimate Use updated re-estimate Challenge: easily trapped in local minimum

11 Simulation: Performance Comparison
Histogram of absolute localization error with different number of sensors within a sensor field of size 100 by 100 meters square. A single target with energy measured at 1meter equal to 5000 unit. Sigma_n = 1, mu = 1, average of 2000 independent trials. In each trial, all sensor locations and target locations are randomly chosen within the sensor field. The purpose of this simulation is to compare the accuracy of different algorithms assuming the same acoustic energy attenuation model. The Figure show that Ml estimation has better performance in the sense that it has less maximum estimation error and the estimation error are mainly concentrated on the small value. Both mean estimation error and estimation variance are smaller then other methods.

12 Cramer-Rao Bounds Analysis
Fisher Information Matrix CRB

13 Ways to Reduce CRB Chebyshev's inequality Reduce CRB
Decrease the overall distance between the sensor to the target Deploy sensor densely Good Deployment Structure when source is fixed, Deploy the sensors symmetrically around this source When source is moving Deploy the sensors uniformly distributed in the region When the source is along the road, deploy the sensors symmetrically along the two side of the road Avoid to deploy sensor on the same line

14 CR Bounds Example: different sensor deployment results
CRB for the Corresponding Sensor Deployment

15 Application to Field Experiment Data
Figure shows the sensor deployment, road coordinate and region specification for our experiments conducted in Nov The sensor field is divided into two sensor field, for region 1, manager node is 1, node 41,42,51,54,55,58 and 59 are detection node. For region 2, node 58 is manager node, node 47,48,49,50, 52,and 53 are detection nodes. Each detection node first performs CFAR detection to detect the target, and then send the detection results to the manager node, manager node will perform region based fusion decision to detect whether or not the target is in the region. If it is in the region, then it will perform ebl to localize the target. Sensor deployment, road coordinate and region specification for experiments

16 Localization Results (Experiments)
AAV DW This figure shows the localization results based on the ML estimation and energy ratio based NLS estimation. Again, results show that both algorithm get good performance for the real experiment data. Both ML and NLS algorithms perform well estimations of target location. ML algorithm with projection solution outperforms to NLS algorithm Less estimation error, smaller maximum error NLS algorithm needs less bandwidth. NLS doesn't use noise variance for its estimation while ML algorithm does need it. NLS algorithm save about 1/4 bandwidth. Localization estimation results look bias from the real ground-truth. Inaccurate GPS measurement, sharp background noise or sensor faults Ground truth also looks bias from the road Ground truth and estimation results Estimation error histogram

17 Simulation on Multi-target Localization
We did simulation on multi-target localization. This is the sensor deployment and road coordinate for the multi-target localization simulation. The two targets move in opposite direction. (a) sensor deployment and road coordinate for simulations (b) Ground truth for two targets moving in the opposite direction

18 Comparison of ML estimation
Target 1 Estimation Error Distance Target 2 Estimation distance error comparison for projection solution using MR search and exhaustive search and EM solution (a) target 1, (b) target 2 two targets moving in opposite direction Noise is uniformly distributed from 0.01ymax to 0.04ymax, s1=s, s2=1.2s Projection solution has much better performance than EM solution Estimation distance error comparison for projection solution using MR search and exhaustive search and Direct solution with EM algorithm Estimation Variance of Projection Solution approaches to its CRB ( reach its performance bounds ML estimation with projection solution Advantage. Accuracy, Robust, Variance → CRB. Disadvantage Heavy computation burden EM Algorithm Advantage: Low computation Complexity Easy to track into local minimum Nonlinear Least Square Advantage No need to use the variance estimation Less communication bandwidth requirement Disadvantage of NLS Single Target localization Performance is not as good as Projection solution Projection solution + MR search Reduce the computer burden a lot Performance is still outstanding Using previous estimated location Reduce the search region Improves the efficiency Conclusion Projection Solution + MR search + previous estimation location outstanding performance and reasonable computation burden The above estimation is based on the assumptions: Noise i.i.d., Gaussian Distributed No sharp background noise Sensor fault doesn’t happen The number of targets in the region has been estimated ( need to use sequential analysis) Target 1 Estimation Variance and CRB Target 2 Projection Solution with ES and MRS and EM solution

19 Conclusion We present a maximum likelihood based acoustic source localization method for wireless sensor network application. Bandwidth saving: The feature used is acoustic energy averaged over a long period (say, 0.75 seconds). Hence, only small amount of information needs to be transmitted via wireless channel. Good performance ML estimation can be used for Multi-target localization Compared to CPA and ER-NLS, ER-LS method, the ML method yields best performance, variance its CRB ML Estimation with Projection Solution and MR Search provide good performance and good computation complexity

20 The End Thanks

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