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Breaking the Code Craig Rutan, ASCCC Area D Representative

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1 Breaking the Code Craig Rutan, ASCCC Area D Representative
Michelle Grimes Hillman, Dean of Academic Services, Long Beach City College 2017 ASCCC Curriculum Institute Riverside Convention Center

2 Outcomes Attendees will:
Learn about course and program data codes including TOP codes, CIP codes, SAM codes, and CB codes; Engage in dialog to better understand these codes.

3 Who are you? Faculty Curriculum Chairs Curriculum Deans CIOs
Curriculum Specialists Chancellor’s Office representatives Others?

4 Codes and Faculty Purview
No matter what you have heard, codes submitted with courses and programs to the Chancellor’s Office are part of curriculum Title 5 §53200 gives primacy over curriculum to local academic senates Having primacy doesn’t mean that discipline faculty have ever seen or understand a CB or SP code A brief overview of codes for faculty can be found here

5 Mis codes Course Basic (CB) Elements

6 MIS Codes for Curriculum
MIS Course Codes CB03 Course-Top-Code CB04 Course-Credit-Status CB05 Course-Transfer-Status CB08 Course-Basic-Skills-Status CB09 Course-SAM-Priority-Code CB10 Course-Coop-Work-Exp-Ed-Status CB11 Course-Classification-Code CB21 Course-Prior-to-College-Level CB22 Course-Noncredit-Category CB24 Course-Program-Status

7 Purpose and History of TOP Codes
Taxonomy of Program (TOP) codes categorize programs and courses. The Taxonomy of Programs was first published in 1979 by the Chancellor’s Office. It is a system of numerical codes used at the state level to collect and report information on programs and courses, in different colleges throughout the state, that have similar outcomes. 1983 * added to identify vocational (CTE) programs.

8 TOP Code Usage Course Identification Program Identification
Facilities, Budgets, Faculty, Outcome Reports Funding Apportionment Financial Aid Veterans Grants (Perkins)

9 TOP Code Usage The TOP was designed to aggregate information about programs. However, a TOP code must also be assigned to every course in our system. Although the TOP does not contain as many specific choices as would a system designed for courses, each course should be given the TOP code that comes closest to describing the course content.

10 TOP Code Structure Two, Four, and Six *01 Agriculture
*0109 Horticulture * Landscape * Floriculture * Nursery

11 TOP Code Structure & Usage
There are state purposes for which only the first two digits of the Taxonomy, the most general level of classification, are used. For example: In reports on staffing, the teaching assignment of each classroom faculty member is characterized by the two-digit TOP discipline of most of the courses he or she teaches. In budget reports, spending on instructional programs is broken down by two-digit TOP discipline. In facilities planning, assignable square feet for laboratories varies according to the TOP discipline.

12 Use of TOP and MIS Coding
Apportionment and grant funding (Perkins) SalarySurfer Student Success Scorecard LaunchBoard Data Mart (Program Awards) Report to IPEDS/ Gainful Employment Report to the state legislature (ARCC )

13 Credit Status (CB 04) Three possible values
Credit – Degree Applicable Credit – Not Degree Applicable Noncredit Only courses coded as degree applicable can be used by students to earn an Associate’s Degree Courses must meet the criteria in §55062 to be designate as applicable to the Associate’s Degree Coding a course as degree applicable is the decision of the local curriculum committee Once a course is coded as degree applicable, it cannot be coded as basic skills (CB08)

14 Program Status (CB24) A program applicable courses must be one of the following: Part of a general education pattern Required to complete an Associate’s Degree or Certificate of Achievement Restricted elective (specifically listed in the college catalog) for an Associate’s Degree or a Certificate of Achievement All program applicable courses are degree applicable (CB04) Some degree applicable courses could be not program applicable (stand alone)

15 SAM Code Student Accountability Model (SAM) Codes are used to indicate the degree to which a course is occupational (CTE), and to assist in identifying course sequence in CTE programs. What does SAM stand for?

16 SAM Code (CB09) *(A) Apprenticeship (offered to apprentices only)
*(B) Advanced Occupational A “B” course is offered in one specific occupational area only and clearly labels its taker as a major in this area. The course may be a “capstone course” that is taken as the last requirement for a career technical education program. *(C) Clearly Occupational (but not advanced) Courses will generally be taken by students in the middle stages of their programs and should be of difficulty level sufficient to detract “drop-ins.” *(D) Possibly Occupational “D” courses are those taken by students in the beginning stages of their occupational programs. The “D” priority can also be used for service (or survey) courses for other occupational Programs. (E) Non-Occupational These courses are non-occupational. What does SAM stand for?

17 SAM Code Usage Accreditation reports DataMart reports
Student Success Scorecard Educational Master Plan Goals – Progress on Measurable Objectives Gainful Employment Program Disclosures Perkins Core Indicator Reports (VTEA) President's Load Study reports - used for Hiring Priorities Determining program eligibility for access to CTE grant funding Degree Audit program What does SAM stand for?

18 CB21 CB21 is used to indicate whether courses in math, English, or reading are below transfer. If a course transfers in these areas, it must have a CB21 of Y. CB21 is also used for courses in ESL to indicate the number of levels that the course is below freshman composition. It is possible for an ESL course to be transferable and have a CB21 other than Y. Both the UC and CSU will grant elective credit for a course in ESL that is one level below freshman composition, but the course does not satisfy the English writing requirement.

19 Mis codes Student Program (SP) Elements

20 Student Program (SP) Codes for Curriculum
SP Program Codes SP01 Student-Program-Identifier Indicates, by TOP code, the subject area of the student’s degree SP02 Student-Program-Award Designates the award type and whether it is credit or noncredit SP03 Student-Program-Award-Earned Indicates whether a student has completed a program SP04 Student-Program-Control-Number Maps student completion back to program control number issued when an educational program has been approved using the Curriculum Inventory

21 Federal codes coming to Coci

22 CIP Codes The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code is the federal standard for instructional program classification.

23 CIP Code Usage Federal Reporting (IPEDS) Gainful Employment
Financial Aid Baccalaureate Degrees Veterans Accreditation Curriculum Inventory

24 SOC Codes Standard Occupational Classifications (SOC) Codes are used by the federal government to collect occupational data, enabling comparsion of occupations across data sets.

25 SOC Codes Usage TOP Code Alignment Project Gainful Employment
Financial Aid Baccalaureate Degrees Veterans WIOA Salary Surfer

26 TOP CIP SOC Why is it important for these systems to align?
What are the challenges with TOP Codes? What are the challenges aligning TOP to CIP?

27 Common Curriculum Issues
CTE and Non CTE Programs Biology/*Biotechnology Geography/*GIS Dramatic Arts/*Technical Theatre *0115 Natural Resources 0301 Environmental Sciences

28 Thank You! Do you have any questions?
Craig Rutan – Michelle Grimes Hillman –

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