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Chapter 12: Services Activities that fulfill a human need or want in exchange for money or goods.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12: Services Activities that fulfill a human need or want in exchange for money or goods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12: Services Activities that fulfill a human need or want in exchange for money or goods

2 Service Industry Basics
Tertiary industries from Chapter 9 Service industries near settlements People need services (close to market) Where services are located within a settlement can be very complex Location, location, location Bigger the city, the more services offered Wausau vs. Lakeland area Connections are often created by services offered Local diversity & globalization forces

3 Where did Services Originate?
Chapter 12: Services Key Issue 1

4 Three Types of Services
Consumer Services – for consumers who can pay About 44% of all US jobs Retail & Wholesale services Education services – teachers, administrators Public teachers are often included with public services Health services – doctors, nurses, etc. Leisure & Hospitality services – hotel & restaurant

5 Three Types of Services
Business Services – help other businesses About 24% of all US jobs Professional – law, accounting, engineering, etc. Financial (FIRE) Transportation & Information – trucking, newspaper, electric, etc. Public Services About 17% of all US Jobs Work for federal, state, & local governments

6 Changes in Employment From 1972 – 2009 all growth in service industries Consumer services have gone up, especially in healthcare Recession has influenced job growth in service industries

7 Services in Early Rural Settlements
Early Consumer Services Religion is likely the first consumer services Burying and respecting dead House-hold based services Men left women home Likely first manufacturing centers: tools, clothing, shelter, etc. Early Public Services Political leaders and soldiers Early Business Services Regulating business deals

8 Services in Early Urban Settlements
4 hearths of civilization: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus River Valley Urban life either diffused from Mesopotamia or originated in each of the 4 hearths Early Urban Settlements Ur (Mesopotamia) – home of Abraham Titris Höyük (present-day Turkey) Planned out city with specific areas Ancient Athens City-states – self-governing cities Beginnings of distinction between rural & urban life Likely population of over 100,000 Other major cities Knossos, Troy, Mycenae

9 Services in Early Urban Settlements
Ancient Rome Roman empire encouraged urbanization: roads, aqueducts, military, and public services At least 250,000 inhabitants Fall of Rome = stall in urban settlements Medieval Cities Feudal lords often exchange land for military service Walls protected cities & city dwellers

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