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OFSTED and the role of Teaching Assistants

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Presentation on theme: "OFSTED and the role of Teaching Assistants"— Presentation transcript:

1 OFSTED and the role of Teaching Assistants

2 To raise awareness of how the likely impact of TAs is currently viewed
OFSTED and Teaching Assistants OBJECTIVES To raise awareness of the expectations of Ofsted regarding classroom support To raise awareness of how the likely impact of TAs is currently viewed To start to think about any adaptations that individual TAs may need to take to meet Ofsted expectations

3 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
DISS Project (Deployment and Impact of Support Staff) Large scale, five year research study Examined: Deployment of TAs Management of TAs Impact of TA’s work Based on: Classroom observation Interviews Progress of 8,200 primary and secondary aged pupils

4 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Main Findings: True or False? TAs had a positive effect on teachers; TAs support mainly SEND or low attaining pupils; TAs often worked outside the classroom away from the teacher Teachers spent time with the class. They spent little time working with groups or individuals TAs often felt underprepared Any preparation with teachers largely emphasised the content of tasks/activities – i.e what the children will do Pupils who received most support from TAs made slower progress than similar pupils; TAs focused on task completion and supplying pupils with answers rather than supporting learning; Most TAs had no planning or feedback time with teachers so had to develop alternative strategies to find/communicate information

5 The Sutton Trust Toolkit

6 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
How much have you got on your plate? Working in groups of 3 or 4, record on post it notes the tasks/activities that you are asked to do as part of your role as a Teaching Assistant or what you think the role entails? Be prepared to share some of what you have recorded with the whole group

7 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Look at roles and put together all those that you think are relevant to Ofsted expectations.

8 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
More recent research, involving TAs working with particular interventions, provides more positive findings. Key themes are: Deployment; Training; Feedback

9 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
What are OFSTEDs key judgements related to TA work? (What are OFSTED looking for)

10 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
The OFSTED Framework Key Judgements related to the work of TAs the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school the quality of teaching in the school the achievement of pupils at the school.

11 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Inspectors must evaluate the use of and contribution made by teaching assistants. They should consider whether teaching assistants are clear about their role and knowledgeable about the pupils they support. They should also consider how well the school ensures that teaching assistants have sufficient knowledge of the subjects in which they provide support.

12 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Inspectors must spend as much time as possible gathering evidence on teaching and learning, observing in lessons, scrutinising work (including in pupils’ books and folders), talking to pupils about their work, gauging both their understanding and their engagement in learning, and obtaining pupils’ perceptions of typical teaching.

13 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
What does this all mean for you? Consider what you do and what other people may think you do. Plan how you can become even more effective and more fully meet the Ofsted criteria.

14 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Need to be aware, in particular, of: Pupil Premium Closing the Gap SEND students (Information is kept in the Flourish – information for all staff folder)

15 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants

16 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Impact is the key Be closely aware of the impact of your work on both academic and social learning Focus on supporting progress (e.g questioning techniques) Formally assess and evaluate the impact of your work KEEP RECORDS

17 Complexity >>>> <<< Complexity
Complexity >>>> <<< Complexity Is… Did… Can… Would… Will… Might.. Who What Where Why When How

18 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
The Latest Ofsted Views

19 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Ofsted find TAs are effective when schools have: Ensured TAs understood their role in improving achievement. Trained TAs well to fulfil this role and kept training up-to-date. Revised working hours to allow TAs to plan and review learning with teachers. Placed TAs where data indicated they were most needed to help pupils rather than spreading them evenly among classes. Deployed TAs well to maximise their strengths with different subjects and age groups.

20 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Examples of Effective Practice (Ofsted) ‘Roving TA’ pointing teacher to children if there is a difficulty TAs working with attainment groups but across the whole range of standards TAs and teachers given time together to plan and feedback

21 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
Using TAs to: Run after school booster classes Run before and after school enrichment – eg times table club, homework club …… Run activities designed to raise the self esteem, self confidence and self efficacy of vulnerable children

22 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
In groups of three/four: Identify five things that you could do to improve provision/outcomes/impact Record them You may wish to cover: Preparation and Training Deployment Feedback

23 OFSTED and Teaching Assistants
School Inspection Handbook DISS (Deployment and Impact of Support Staff) Project and associated research

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