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Power in the Word of God Ps 19:7-14 Jn 8:31-32.

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Presentation on theme: "Power in the Word of God Ps 19:7-14 Jn 8:31-32."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power in the Word of God Ps 19:7-14 Jn 8:31-32

2 Power in the Word of God Inspired by God Word’s Work in Salvation
Word’s Work in Christian

3 Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man
Revelation by God Required I Cor 2:9-15, Man cannot Know Jer 10:23, Not within Man Isa 55:8-11, Achieves His Purpose Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man

4 Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man
Holy Spirit Revealed I Cor 2:9-15, God Revealed unto Apostles by his Spirit II Pet 1:21, Old Testament Prophets Jn 14:26, 15:26, 16:13 God sent Comforter to Apostles to Reveal Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man

5 Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man
Delivered by Apostles Jn 14:26, 15:26, 16:13 God sent Comforter to Apostles to Reveal I Cor 2:9-15, God Revealed unto Apostles by his Spirit I Thes 2:13, They received as the Word of God I Cor 14:37, Paul’s instructions were the Commands of God Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man

6 Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man
Confirmed by Holy Spirit Mk 16:15-18, These signs will follow Heb 2:3-4, signs, wonders, divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man

7 Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man
Revelation by God Required God sent Holy Spirit to Reveal it It was delivered to the Apostles Apostles work/words Confirmed by Holy Spirit Power in the Word of God Bible is God’s Wisdom Revealed to Man

8 Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Complete
I Tim 3:16-17, makes one Complete, Thoroughly Furnished unto all good works Jn 16:13, They would receive all truth Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Complete

9 Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Sufficient
Lk 16:27-31, If they will not hear Moses & Prophets then… Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Sufficient

10 Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Enduring
I Pet 1:23-25, Being born again by the word of God that lives and abides forever Mt 24:35, Jesus proclaims his words will never pass away Power in the Word of God Bible Truth is Enduring

11 Power in the Word of God Strict Adherence is Commanded
II Tim 2:15, be diligent to Rightly divide II Thes 3:6-7, 14-15, if one does not obey word Heb 2:1-2, give more earnest heed II Tim 4:1-4, Some will not hear Power in the Word of God Strict Adherence is Commanded

12 Power in the Word of God Words Work For All Man Kind Judges
Jn 12:48, word will judge Rom 2:16, judge according to Paul’s teaching Power in the Word of God Words Work For All Man Kind

13 Power in the Word of God Gods Wisdom revealed to Man Judges
Is Complete Is Sufficient Endures Forever Strict Adherence Commanded Judges

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