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The Auditory Nervous System

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1 The Auditory Nervous System
SPA 4302 Summer 2007

2 The Neuron Generally: Dendrites receive stim. Creates ______________
Transmitted along axon Causes ____________ ____________ Stimulates new neuron


4 The Ascending Auditory Pathway
Primary Auditory Cortex Medial Geniculate Body Inferior Colliculus Lateral Lemniscus Superior Olivary Complex Cochlear Nucleus VIIIth Nerve

5 The Descending Auditory Pathways
________________ Neurons ______________ Neurons Innervation of Middle Ear _____________

6 Olivo-Cochlear Efferent Neurons
Map of Auditory Efferents

7 Descending Pathways from Auditory Cortex
Descending neurons from Auditory Cortex, MGB, and IC

8 Efferent Innervation of Tensor Tympani & Stapedius Muscles
Innervation of middle ear musculature.

9 Development: VIIIth N. and Central Auditory Nervous System
VIIIth nerve initially: days 25 to 45 Spiral Ganglion, Vestibular Ganglia identifiable by day 35 Little else known about dev. of CANS

10 Hearing Loss and the CANS
VIIIth N: some SNHL, some normal ___________! ___________ SNHL, Initially high frequency Possibly poor Word Recognition ___________ Nerve Symptoms Disorders of the Auditory Nerve Vestibular Schwannoma _____________ Multiple Sclerosis Auditory Neuropathy: a new dx category Normal ________, Abnormal _______

11 Disorders of the Cochlear Nuclei
Kernicterus: Result of Rh incompatibility Hyperbilirubinemia Cerebrovascular Accident: A brainstem stroke Congenital trauma, malformation Pressure (trauma, increased CSF pressure) Syphilis Aging

12 Disorders of the Higher Auditory Pathways
Brainstem Tumors: Intra-axial: contralateral or __________ deficits Extra-axial: ____________ deficits Higher level lesions CVA/Stroke/Aneurysm produce _____________ deficits

13 Tests for Auditory Processing Disorder
______________ Filtered Speech Speech with Competition _____________ Competing Sentence Tests Dichotic Digits Test Staggered _________ Word Test Masking Level Difference Test

14 Therapeutic Management
_____________ Modifications Improve Signal To Noise Ratios Pre-Teaching ______________ Activities Listening “Games” Computer Based Auditory Training ______________ Strategies Homework Buddy

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