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Maude LeRoux May 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria

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1 Maude LeRoux May 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria
The Auditory System Maude LeRoux May 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria

2 Auditory System Response to sounds in environment
Early to develop in womb Fight and Flight response at birth Figure – Ground / Discrimination / Closure Balance between left and right ear. Auditory Space in stereo Auditory vs. Visual Learner

3 Knowing how to listen involves several components:
Discriminating sounds Accommodation of sounds Locating sounds Auditory laterality

4 Discriminating Sounds.
Is the capacity to separate non-pertinent information It is likewise knowing how to immediately put meaning on important information Blah Blah Blah Blah

5 Accommodation of Sounds
It’s the capacity of the ear to protect itself spontaneously from aggressive noises and at the same time to remain available for all important information Recognizing the origin of sounds This allows to integrate messages quickly and a greater certitude of their meaning

6 WHAT IS LISTENING? In a way that is acceptable on an emotional level
For the purpose of learning and communicating Listening is the ability to use one’s hearing: intentionally and attentively WHAT IS LISTENING? 6

7 Auditory Pathway

8 Cranial Nerve Development
Vestibulo-Cochlear nerve (CN8) develops in utero and is available at birth to start reading the environmental cues, as well as spend the first +-9 months preparing for the acceptance and production of language. Connections with Trigeminal Nerve, Facial, and Vagus Nerve from the physical ear system

9 To constantly readjust the content and the form of this message
To immediately evaluate the result of this control The ability to select an acoustic message among others To inhibit sounds which are not relevant Listening is an action and to implement it you have to consider the following: 9

10 Thanks to the energy given by the ear, the individual feels toned and enterprising
His achievements will be all the more dynamic as he will be able to store a large amount of energy The dynamic stimulation causes a harmony between his creative potential and individual sensitivity

11 Attention span and memorization can be deficient
THE LISTENING FUNCTION When this function is disrupted, difficulties in analysis, accommodation, spatialization or auditory lateralization can be observed. Then it implies comprehension difficulties, errors, fatigability, irritability and withdrawal into oneself. Attention span and memorization can be deficient

12 Auditory Laterality Is the key when listening quality is in question
All sound messages which go through the right ear are immediately projected to the left hemisphere which implies the following: Rapid integration Clarity of information Efficient memory skills High quality of processing of information when a quick and adaptive answer is necessary

13 Activities that Develop
Auditory Perception Simon Says (Ability to listen) Child changes direction upon command Tapping to beat of sound Moving to the beat of music, sound, or voice Metronome

14 Thank you for listening!

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