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Ask your partner, β€œWhat color are you wearing for the pep assembly?”

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Presentation on theme: "Ask your partner, β€œWhat color are you wearing for the pep assembly?”"β€” Presentation transcript:

1 Ask your partner, β€œWhat color are you wearing for the pep assembly?”
Please Grab: -HW Sheet -Rubric (on back table) -Formation of Elements W.S (last night’s homework)

2 Warm up Write the reaction for the following processes: The Alpha Decay of Uranium-235 π‘ˆ β†’ 2 4 𝐻𝑒 π‘‡β„Ž The Beta Decay of Carbon-14 6 14 𝐢 β†’ βˆ’1 0 𝑒 βˆ’ 𝑁 The Fusion of Oxygen-16 6 12 𝐢 𝐻𝑒 β†’ 𝑂 Multiple correct answers, as long as masses add up to 16, and atomic numbers equal 8

3 HW review- With your lab group!
Team Captain is the person with the longest pinky finger! 1. Within your group determine who is your β€œteam captain” 2. Team captain, lead the group through the answer key. 3. Determine any questions that you have after reviewing the key 4. Ms. Jarvis will come back together and answer questions as a whole class 5. Log on your HW sheet and make a plan if not feeling 

4 Wow…that just happed this week
Wow…that just happed this week! Two neutrons stars collided and let off gravitational waves and gamma rays!

5 Star Project: Create a 3-D Model that describes low mass, high mass and super high mass star
Due: Blue 10/24 Gold 10/25 Make sure to review the grading rubric! This will count as a test grade.

6 Why should we care about this?

7 Recipe For a Star

8 Recipe for a Star Activity
Step1: How does a proton + electron form a neutron Step 2: How does Hydrogen fuse to form 1 Helium atom? Step 3: How does Helium fuse to form 1 Carbon Atom? Step 4: Draw the 4 Stages in the Life Cycle of a Low Mass Star and show which of each of the previous Nuclear Rxns were involved at each stage. Using the BSCS Book pgs223 – 237: Divide Poster into 4 Rows: Make Row 1 Half the Size of the other 3 For Each Step = 1. Build+ Label a Playdoh Model of that step 2. Draw + Label the Nuclear Reaction Equations involved in that step

9 Recipe for a Star Activity
Step1: How does a proton + electron form a neutron Step 2: How does Hydrogen fuse to form 1 Helium atom? Step 3: How does Helium fuse to form 1 Carbon Atom? Step 4: Draw the 4 Stages in the Life Cycle of a Low Mass Star and show which of each of the previous Nuclear Rxns were involved at each stage. Using the BSCS Book pgs223 – 237: Divide Poster into 4 Rows: Make Row 1 Half the Size of the other 3 For Each Step = 1. Build+ Label a Playdoh Model of that step 2. Draw + Label the Nuclear Reaction Equations involved in that step


11 Proton and Electron combine to make a Neutron.
H Fusion Proton and Electron combine to make a Neutron.

12 H Fusion 4 11H οƒ  42He + Energy

13 Recipe for a Star Activity
Step1: How does a proton + electron form a neutron Step 2: How does Hydrogen fuse to form 1 Helium atom? Step 3: How does Helium fuse to form 1 Carbon Atom? Step 4: Draw the 4 Stages in the Life Cycle of a Low Mass Star and show which of each of the previous Nuclear Rxns were involved at each stage. Using the BSCS Book pgs223 – 237: Divide Poster into 4 Rows: Make Row 1 Half the Size of the other 3 For Each Step = 1. Build+ Label a Playdoh Model of that step 2. Draw + Label the Nuclear Reaction Equations involved in that step

14 He Fusion οƒ  Carbon

15 Carbon

16 Recipe for a Star Activity
Step1: How does a proton + electron form a neutron Step 2: How does Hydrogen fuse to form 1 Helium atom? Step 3: How does Helium fuse to form 1 Carbon Atom? Step 4: Draw the 4 Stages in the Life Cycle of a Low Mass Star and show which of each of the previous Nuclear Rxns were involved at each stage. Using the BSCS Book pgs223 – 237: Divide Poster into 4 Rows: Make Row 1 Half the Size of the other 3 For Each Step = 1. Build+ Label a Playdoh Model of that step 2. Draw + Label the Nuclear Reaction Equations involved in that step

17 Low Density Shell High Density Highest Density


19 Low Mass Star Excited Hydrogen H Fusion in core 4 H οƒ  He

20 Red Giant: 4 Layered Core
Non-fusing H Shell Excited H H fusing He fusing C Core Core


22 Nucleosynthesis Wkst

23 High Mass Star's Core Excited H H Fusion He Fusion C Fusion O Fusion
Ne Fusion Mg Fusion Si Fusion Fe High Mass Star's Core

24 Making Iron ? Silicon Fusion Si + Si οƒ  Ni Then Nickel Decays Ni οƒ  Fe


26 Stellar Life Cycles

27 Yellow star Main Sequence Blue star Main Sequence Supergiant Red Giant
Protostar Planetary Nebula Nebula Supernova Nova White Dwarf Neutron star/Pulsar Black Dwarf 28 28

28 Hwk 1. Nucleosynthesis Wkst 2. Nuclear Rxns Test Next Class


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