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Newtonian Physics – 10 Mr. Jean

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Presentation on theme: "Newtonian Physics – 10 Mr. Jean"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newtonian Physics – 10 Mr. Jean

2 The plan: Video clip of the day Kepler’s equations
Universal gravitational constant Universal gravitational constant examples

3 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation:
Fg = force of gravity in newtons (N) m1 = first mass in kilograms (Kg) m2 = second mass in kilograms (Kg) r = distance between centers of mass in meters G = Universal Gravity Constant (***next slide for units***)

4 Satellites in space: A satellite in space moves around a heavy body. To keep the satellite from smashing back into the Earth (or planet it is orbiting), scientists set the force of gravity equal to the centripetal force. Fg = Fc







11 Planetary Information Sheets:
Complete the first 4 for each sheet. Mercury Venus Earth Mars

12 Part #1:

13 Part #2:

14 Part #3

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