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ESL 8 Quarter 3 Week 9 March 24-28, 2014 Blue Days – 3/25 and 3/27

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1 ESL 8 Quarter 3 Week 9 March 24-28, 2014 Blue Days – 3/25 and 3/27
L. Nabulsi

2 Wiesbaden Middle School Purpose Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

3 Wiesbaden Middle School Goal Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

4 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

5 CSI Interventions Reading comprehension Math Marking the text
Charting the text Math USA Math journaling

6 Standards covered this week
8E1c.2: Evaluate the structural elements of the plot (such as subplots, parallel episodes, and climax), the plot’s development, and the way in which conflicts are or are not addressed and resolved. 8E1c.3: Compare and contrast the motivations and reactions of literary characters from different historical eras who confront similar situations and conflicts or similar hypothetical situations. 8E1c.4: Analyze the importance of the setting to the mood, tone, and meaning of the text. 8E1c.5: Identify and analyze recurring themes (good versus evil) that appear frequently across traditional and contemporary works. 8E1c.6: Identify significant literary devices to include metaphor, symbolism, dialect, quotations, and/or irony, which define a writer’s style and use those elements to interpret the work..

7 Put in planner Reading log not due until two weeks after break; any turned in now takes the place of a missing grade Due March 3/28 – vocabulary notebook due, lessons 19-27 3/31 – test over Miracle Worker 3/28 – all work due NOTE: Due dates for 4th quarter Reading Logs are on the calendar in Google Aps

8 OVERVIEW OF WEEK 27 Correct this sentence: “Us Americans are certainly indeted to Gutzon Borglum the sculptor,” said grandma Jones. +4 GRAMMAR: PRONOUNS – Demonstrative pronouns Check Grades and Make sure all is turned in and graded Turn in Vocabulary Notebook; Edit-it through 104 IDIOM: - ANALOGY: APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana Juice : Can Slice : Core Carrot : Vegetable In class Finish reading TMW , study for test and take test Monday, March 31 feel blue To feel blue means to have feelings of deep sadness or depression. I'm going to see my grandmother. She's feeling a bit blue at the moment.

9 Vocabulary 27 1.denotation 1.octagon 1.industrialism
Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1.denotation 1.octagon 1.industrialism electromagnetic spectrum,, 2. Elements of argument 2.outcomes 2.inequalities interference, 3.elements of plot 3.opposites 3.influx magnetic field, ,


11 Lesson Plans – March 25, 2014 Take roll
Correct the sentence: “Us Americans are certainly indeted to Gutzon Borglum the sculptor,” said grandma Jones. +4 GRAMMAR: Demonstrative Pronouns: Vocabulary: Voc Vocabulary notebook due Edit-It – In class: Finish Reading The Miracle Worker

12 Demonstrative Pronouns
This, that, these, those

13 2. _________ aren´t my trainers.
Exercises A. Use `this´ or `these´ 1. Is _________ my drink? 2. _________ aren´t my trainers. 3. Is _________ an interesting museum. 4. _________ are new bikes. 5. _________ is my house. 6. _________ is a hill. 7. _________ are donkeys. 8. What is _________? 9. Did you drop _________? 10. Hi, Jane! _________ is Michael. 11. _________ James´ bike. 12. _________ are his children. 13. _________ are his sister´s children. 14. _________ is Pete. 15. _________ is my restaurant. 16. _________ are my jewels. 17. _________ is the church of my town. 18. _________ are my father´s book. 19. _________ is Ajax´s stadium. 20. _________ is my bag. 21. Is _________ my TV? 22. Are _________ your watches. 23. I like _________ clown. 24. _________ boys are American. 25. _________ is my money.

14 Answers 1. Is this my drink? 2. These aren´t my trainers.
3. Is this an interesting museum. 4. These are new bikes. 5. This is my house. 6. This is a hill. 7. These are donkeys. 8. What is this? 9. Did you drop this? 10. Hi, Jane! This is Michael. 11. This James´ bike. 12. These are his children. 13. These are his sister´s children. 14. This is Pete. 15. This is my restaurant. 16. These are my jewels. 17. This is the church of my town. 18. These are my father´s book. 19. This is Ajax´s stadium. 20. This is my bag. 21. Is this my TV? 22. Are these your watches. 23. I like this clown. 24. These boys are American. 25. This is my money.

15 March 27, 2014 ANALOGY: APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana
Take roll GRAMMAR : Indefinite Pronouns IDIOM- Feeling Blue ANALOGY: APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana Juice : Can Slice : Core Carrot : Vegetable In-class: How to analyze a literary character; review for test on Monday


17 Edit It

18 Correct this sentence Correct this sentence
“Us Americans are certainly indeted to Gutzon Borglum the sculptor,” said grandma Jones. +4 “We Americans are certainly indebted to Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor, “ said Grandma Jones.

19 Idiom Feeling Blue: To feel blue means to have feelings of deep
. Feeling Blue: To feel blue means to have feelings of deep sadness or depression. I'm going to see my grandmother. She's feeling a bit blue at the moment.

20 Analogy ANALOGY: APPLE : FRUIT :: Salad : Mix Orange: Banana
Juice : Can Slice : Core Carrot : Vegetable

21 Reading/Writing Activities for this week
Reading Log 11 – Due April 28 Vocabulary Notebook due March 28

22 What Students Need To Do

23 Before End of Quarter April 3, 2014
Finish Reading The Miracle Worker Do study sheet for TMW Take test over TMW Hand in vocabulary notebook with lessons Begin writing a character analysis of a character in TMW

24 How to mark the text Number each paragraph
Have a purpose in reading for specific kinds of details and use post-its for notes or mark notes in the margin Reading comprehension Who, what, when, where, how, why, vocabulary Reading for author’s purpose Pay attention to verbs. The basic purposes are to teach, entertain, influence our opinion. Reading for historical information Look for names, places, dates, cause and effect, chronology, comparison/contrast Reading for literary analysis Look for characters, setting, point of view, theme, important quotes, conflicts, dramatic structure, symbols; characteristics of a particular genre.

25 How to chart the text Do and prepare as if marking the text.
Re-read each paragraph now and underline the claim ( we call it the controlling purpose) of the author. Circle any numbers or math terms. Decide what the purpose of the numerical details are: support, clarification, comparison/contrast, cause and effect Look for connecting(transitional) words; do these words introduce additional information, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, definitions Chart the information: If it helps, use a graphic organizer or mind map to decipher the information Take Cornell notes: Take Cornell notes using the post-its to set up questions and answers Outline – Write thesis and use the information to either write summary or use as a source for research paper Write a paper

26 How to Make a Timeline on Word
Open a blank WORD document Go to INSERT Click on SMART ART A new window appears: click on PROCESS New window: go to last item in the second line- basic timeline. Click The template appears on your document. Begin to fill it in with information. Try to place information with the date close to line, not on outside. Save in your H-drive, ESL folder with page numberslastblock#

27 How To Use the MLA Template
Download the MLA template OR go to the student’s H-drive/ESL folder/MLA template Open the template Immediately save as to the H-drive, ESL folder naming the file with the name of the assignment and last and period. DO THIS. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. For example, TLOTMC#_#MCDOWELL3. On the document, change the date and the title. Begin on the line under the title, but make sure that this line is aligned left, not centered, and indented. Center the Chapter # Write the summary telling who, what, when, where, how, and why. Save in the ADB in gaggle in the folder that says TLOTM final chapter summaries . If you do not name the file correctly and place it in the correct folder, you do not receive credit. Do things correctly.

28 How to make a SMARTBOARD quiz
1. Open SMART Notebook 2. Go to VIEW/Gallery 3. Click on Lesson Activity Toolkit 4. Look down and click on INTERACTIVE AND MULTIMEDIA 5. Scroll through selections and pick a game on which you can put at least six items, one for each of your words. At the game, click on EDIT and place your information on the template SAVE AS Q#W#voc#esl8last into your ESL folder and then in GALLERY Open and place in Assignment Drop Box that correlates with the assignment.

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